Library directors wholimit the informationthey share withtrustees encouragegood and efficientboard behavior.Choosethe bestbookspossible.The library boardis responsible fordeciding how bigthe library budgetshould be.Only bills under$100 may beapproved if theboard doesn'thave a quorum.The mayor isalways a full,voting memberof a city libraryboard.Meetings withan attorneywhere attorney-client privilegeappliesExecutivesessions canonly be calledfor a fewreasons.Preliminarymeetings tonegotiatereal estatepurchases.Library boardmeeting dates,times, andlocations shouldbe kept secret ifpossible.PersonnelissuesLibrary boardmembersserve withoutpay.The job of theboard presidentis the same asthat of thelibrary director.Including lots ofextra informationabout personallives of trusteesattracts betterboard members.DevelopLibraryPolicies.Hire aGoodDirector.All boardofficers candirectlibrary staff.The boardmay only actas a group,during officalmeetings.Quorum for acity library is4: a majorityof the board.The librarydirector is notnecessary forgood boardmeetings.Boardauthoritydepends oncity council.Trustees whocriticize thepolicies of theboard in public area good educationfor the city council.Being able toargue betterand louder is agood attributefor a trustee.Work forgoodfinancialsupport.A librarydirector doesn'tusually need awritten jobdescription.Library directors wholimit the informationthey share withtrustees encouragegood and efficientboard behavior.Choosethe bestbookspossible.The library boardis responsible fordeciding how bigthe library budgetshould be.Only bills under$100 may beapproved if theboard doesn'thave a quorum.The mayor isalways a full,voting memberof a city libraryboard.Meetings withan attorneywhere attorney-client privilegeappliesExecutivesessions canonly be calledfor a fewreasons.Preliminarymeetings tonegotiatereal estatepurchases.Library boardmeeting dates,times, andlocations shouldbe kept secret ifpossible.PersonnelissuesLibrary boardmembersserve withoutpay.The job of theboard presidentis the same asthat of thelibrary director.Including lots ofextra informationabout personallives of trusteesattracts betterboard members.DevelopLibraryPolicies.Hire aGoodDirector.All boardofficers candirectlibrary staff.The boardmay only actas a group,during officalmeetings.Quorum for acity library is4: a majorityof the board.The librarydirector is notnecessary forgood boardmeetings.Boardauthoritydepends oncity council.Trustees whocriticize thepolicies of theboard in public area good educationfor the city council.Being able toargue betterand louder is agood attributefor a trustee.Work forgoodfinancialsupport.A librarydirector doesn'tusually need awritten jobdescription.

Library Board Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Library directors who limit the information they share with trustees encourage good and efficient board behavior.
  2. Choose the best books possible.
  3. The library board is responsible for deciding how big the library budget should be.
  4. Only bills under $100 may be approved if the board doesn't have a quorum.
  5. The mayor is always a full, voting member of a city library board.
  6. Meetings with an attorney where attorney-client privilege applies
  7. Executive sessions can only be called for a few reasons.
  8. Preliminary meetings to negotiate real estate purchases.
  9. Library board meeting dates, times, and locations should be kept secret if possible.
  10. Personnel issues
  11. Library board members serve without pay.
  12. The job of the board president is the same as that of the library director.
  13. Including lots of extra information about personal lives of trustees attracts better board members.
  14. Develop Library Policies.
  15. Hire a Good Director.
  16. All board officers can direct library staff.
  17. The board may only act as a group, during offical meetings.
  18. Quorum for a city library is 4: a majority of the board.
  19. The library director is not necessary for good board meetings.
  20. Board authority depends on city council.
  21. Trustees who criticize the policies of the board in public are a good education for the city council.
  22. Being able to argue better and louder is a good attribute for a trustee.
  23. Work for good financial support.
  24. A library director doesn't usually need a written job description.