the board isworking onincreasingits diversityboard memberasks for marketingmaterials/toolsbefore they willhave a giftconversationa boardmemberdoesn't usehis/herindoor voicea boardmembervolunteersanother boardmember to dosomething"brilliant"ideas oncrowd-funding"Let's signup forAmazonSmile""I don'tknow howto ask formoney"boardmemberssplit a tableat thegala/dinnerco-chairscan't agreeon themeetingagendaboard meetinggetsrescheduledtwice becauseno one RSVPsa boardmemberemailsinvitation toAna MariI really don'tlikerecognition..."I need afavor - mychild isapplying toUW"regularphone callsfrom thesame boardmemberyou've never meta board memberbecause they'venever come toanything"I don'thave richfriends""I have a greatidea -- let'shave an event!We'll raise amillion dollars"a boardmember callsTracy with"feedback"Surprise! Yourfaculty memberinvited someoneto join the boardwithout talking toyou first"Have youasked Paul,Jeff, Bill formoney?"A boardmember hasstormed outof the roomboard membercomplainsabout the food(or lack thereof)at a meeting"I didn't knowthis was afundraisingboard""Lifetime"boardmembers -no term limitsthe board isworking onincreasingits diversityboard memberasks for marketingmaterials/toolsbefore they willhave a giftconversationa boardmemberdoesn't usehis/herindoor voicea boardmembervolunteersanother boardmember to dosomething"brilliant"ideas oncrowd-funding"Let's signup forAmazonSmile""I don'tknow howto ask formoney"boardmemberssplit a tableat thegala/dinnerco-chairscan't agreeon themeetingagendaboard meetinggetsrescheduledtwice becauseno one RSVPsa boardmemberemailsinvitation toAna MariI really don'tlikerecognition..."I need afavor - mychild isapplying toUW"regularphone callsfrom thesame boardmemberyou've never meta board memberbecause they'venever come toanything"I don'thave richfriends""I have a greatidea -- let'shave an event!We'll raise amillion dollars"a boardmember callsTracy with"feedback"Surprise! Yourfaculty memberinvited someoneto join the boardwithout talking toyou first"Have youasked Paul,Jeff, Bill formoney?"A boardmember hasstormed outof the roomboard membercomplainsabout the food(or lack thereof)at a meeting"I didn't knowthis was afundraisingboard""Lifetime"boardmembers -no term limits

BOARD BINGO! - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. the board is working on increasing its diversity
  2. board member asks for marketing materials/tools before they will have a gift conversation
  3. a board member doesn't use his/her indoor voice
  4. a board member volunteers another board member to do something
  5. "brilliant" ideas on crowd-funding
  6. "Let's sign up for Amazon Smile"
  7. "I don't know how to ask for money"
  8. board members split a table at the gala/dinner
  9. co-chairs can't agree on the meeting agenda
  10. board meeting gets rescheduled twice because no one RSVPs
  11. a board member emails invitation to Ana Mari
  12. I really don't like recognition...
  13. "I need a favor - my child is applying to UW"
  14. regular phone calls from the same board member
  15. you've never met a board member because they've never come to anything
  16. "I don't have rich friends"
  17. "I have a great idea -- let's have an event! We'll raise a million dollars"
  18. a board member calls Tracy with "feedback"
  19. Surprise! Your faculty member invited someone to join the board without talking to you first
  20. "Have you asked Paul, Jeff, Bill for money?"
  21. A board member has stormed out of the room
  22. board member complains about the food (or lack thereof) at a meeting
  23. "I didn't know this was a fundraising board"
  24. "Lifetime" board members - no term limits