ANALYZE draw a picture toshow the definitionof Analyze-"tobreak apart"COMPARE "all the ways theyare alike"Compare twostudents in yourclass.INFER "Tell what you think"Infer how little RedRiding hood feltwhen she realizedthe wolf wasGrandma.EVALUATE "to judge"Evaluatetoday's lunchINFER- to read betweenthe lines. Write abouta time when you hadto infer whensomeone was madbut they wouldn't tellyou.SUMMARIZE "To give the shortversion"Summarize thelast movie youwatched.SUMMERIZE "To give the shortversion"Summarize whatyou learned inclass today.PREDICT "What will happennext"Predict what youwill do tomorrow ineach class.TRACE "list in steps" Make alist of the steps youneed to follow tomake your favoritesandwich.EXPLAIN "to tell how"explain how toget from schoolto your house.CONTRAST "All the ways theyare different"Contrast twostudents in yourclass.PREDICT "What will happen next"Predict what yourgrades will be for Q4.Give each subject anda predicted grade.ANALYZE"to break apart"write thedefinition 5times and use itin a sentence.FORMULATE "to create"Formulate a newway tocommunicate withothers.EVALUATE"to judge"Evaluate the tasteof Chick-fil-a'sSpicy ChickenSandwich.SUPPORT "to back up withdetails" Support yourreasons for why youshould have morefield trips.CONTRAST "all the ways theyare different"Contrast Middleschool andElementary schoolCOMPARE "all the ways theyare alike"Compare your twofavorite pairs ofshoesDESCRIBE "To tell about"Describe theinside of yourclassroom.FORMULATE "to create"Formulate a way thatstudents could bemore involved atnorthwoods.DESCRIBE "To tell about"Describe yourfavorite thing to doon the weekend.EXPLAIN "to tell how"Explain how youare supposed towalk in thehallway.SUPPORT "to back up withdetails"support whystudents should orshould not havemore homework.TRACE"to list in steps"Draw a picture thatshows the steps youfollow to make yourfavorite sandwich.ANALYZE draw a picture toshow the definitionof Analyze-"tobreak apart"COMPARE "all the ways theyare alike"Compare twostudents in yourclass.INFER "Tell what you think"Infer how little RedRiding hood feltwhen she realizedthe wolf wasGrandma.EVALUATE "to judge"Evaluatetoday's lunchINFER- to read betweenthe lines. Write abouta time when you hadto infer whensomeone was madbut they wouldn't tellyou.SUMMARIZE "To give the shortversion"Summarize thelast movie youwatched.SUMMERIZE "To give the shortversion"Summarize whatyou learned inclass today.PREDICT "What will happennext"Predict what youwill do tomorrow ineach class.TRACE "list in steps" Make alist of the steps youneed to follow tomake your favoritesandwich.EXPLAIN "to tell how"explain how toget from schoolto your house.CONTRAST "All the ways theyare different"Contrast twostudents in yourclass.PREDICT "What will happen next"Predict what yourgrades will be for Q4.Give each subject anda predicted grade.ANALYZE"to break apart"write thedefinition 5times and use itin a sentence.FORMULATE "to create"Formulate a newway tocommunicate withothers.EVALUATE"to judge"Evaluate the tasteof Chick-fil-a'sSpicy ChickenSandwich.SUPPORT "to back up withdetails" Support yourreasons for why youshould have morefield trips.CONTRAST "all the ways theyare different"Contrast Middleschool andElementary schoolCOMPARE "all the ways theyare alike"Compare your twofavorite pairs ofshoesDESCRIBE "To tell about"Describe theinside of yourclassroom.FORMULATE "to create"Formulate a way thatstudents could bemore involved atnorthwoods.DESCRIBE "To tell about"Describe yourfavorite thing to doon the weekend.EXPLAIN "to tell how"Explain how youare supposed towalk in thehallway.SUPPORT "to back up withdetails"support whystudents should orshould not havemore homework.TRACE"to list in steps"Draw a picture thatshows the steps youfollow to make yourfavorite sandwich.

12 powerful words Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. ANALYZE draw a picture to show the definition of Analyze-"to break apart"
  2. COMPARE "all the ways they are alike" Compare two students in your class.
  3. INFER "Tell what you think" Infer how little Red Riding hood felt when she realized the wolf was Grandma.
  4. EVALUATE "to judge" Evaluate today's lunch
  5. INFER - to read between the lines. Write about a time when you had to infer when someone was mad but they wouldn't tell you.
  6. SUMMARIZE "To give the short version" Summarize the last movie you watched.
  7. SUMMERIZE "To give the short version" Summarize what you learned in class today.
  8. PREDICT "What will happen next" Predict what you will do tomorrow in each class.
  9. TRACE "list in steps" Make a list of the steps you need to follow to make your favorite sandwich.
  10. EXPLAIN "to tell how" explain how to get from school to your house.
  11. CONTRAST "All the ways they are different" Contrast two students in your class.
  12. PREDICT "What will happen next" Predict what your grades will be for Q4. Give each subject and a predicted grade.
  13. ANALYZE "to break apart" write the definition 5 times and use it in a sentence.
  14. FORMULATE "to create" Formulate a new way to communicate with others.
  15. EVALUATE "to judge" Evaluate the taste of Chick-fil-a's Spicy Chicken Sandwich.
  16. SUPPORT "to back up with details" Support your reasons for why you should have more field trips.
  17. CONTRAST "all the ways they are different" Contrast Middle school and Elementary school
  18. COMPARE "all the ways they are alike" Compare your two favorite pairs of shoes
  19. DESCRIBE "To tell about" Describe the inside of your classroom.
  20. FORMULATE "to create" Formulate a way that students could be more involved at northwoods.
  21. DESCRIBE "To tell about" Describe your favorite thing to do on the weekend.
  22. EXPLAIN "to tell how" Explain how you are supposed to walk in the hallway.
  23. SUPPORT "to back up with details" support why students should or should not have more homework.
  24. TRACE "to list in steps" Draw a picture that shows the steps you follow to make your favorite sandwich.