BBiome- where youhave at least 50 cmof rain per year withdifferent habitats thatchange throughoutthe yearfactorsaffectingsolubility(3)vocab-thelargest partof theperiodic tableevapor-ation toconden-sationto precip-itation is whatprocessvocab-Earth's __causes nightand dayHow do youidentify achemicalreaction (4)?vocab-this isgroup 18 andis happy tobe by itselfExplainsolsticeincludingwhen the nextone will beExplain thedifferencebetweenmass andweightvocab-whenyou explain orinterpret thethings youobserveExplain thedifferencebetween atornado watchand warningvocab-Sunlight,soil,temperatureoxygen andwater areexamples of meADvocab-this sphere isthe layer of the atom-sphere where weathertakes places,asaltitude increase,temperaturedecreases by 6.5*Cwhat piece ofequip-ment isneeded forwaterdisplace-mentvocab- thisprinciple statesthat during achemical reaction,matter is notcreated nordestroyedthe one variablethat ispurposelychanged to testa hypo-thesisvocab-I amable to makemy own foodso that I canfeed othervocab- is anychange thatalters the formlike a crushedpop canExplain a5 itemfood webECvocab-reacts withmetals andcarbonates, tastessour, and turnsblue litmus paperredBBiome- where youhave at least 50 cmof rain per year withdifferent habitats thatchange throughoutthe yearfactorsaffectingsolubility(3)vocab-thelargest partof theperiodic tableevapor-ation toconden-sationto precip-itation is whatprocessvocab-Earth's __causes nightand dayHow do youidentify achemicalreaction (4)?vocab-this isgroup 18 andis happy tobe by itselfExplainsolsticeincludingwhen the nextone will beExplain thedifferencebetweenmass andweightvocab-whenyou explain orinterpret thethings youobserveExplain thedifferencebetween atornado watchand warningvocab-Sunlight,soil,temperatureoxygen andwater areexamples of meADvocab-this sphere isthe layer of the atom-sphere where weathertakes places,asaltitude increase,temperaturedecreases by 6.5*Cwhat piece ofequip-ment isneeded forwaterdisplace-mentvocab- thisprinciple statesthat during achemical reaction,matter is notcreated nordestroyedthe one variablethat ispurposelychanged to testa hypo-thesisvocab-I amable to makemy own foodso that I canfeed othervocab- is anychange thatalters the formlike a crushedpop canExplain a5 itemfood webECvocab-reacts withmetals andcarbonates, tastessour, and turnsblue litmus paperred

7th graders-science - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. B
  2. Biome- where you have at least 50 cm of rain per year with different habitats that change throughout the year
  3. factors affecting solubility (3)
  4. vocab-the largest part of the periodic table
  5. evapor-ation to conden-sation to precip-itation is what process
  6. vocab-Earth's __ causes night and day
  7. How do you identify a chemical reaction (4)?
  8. vocab-this is group 18 and is happy to be by itself
  9. Explain solstice including when the next one will be
  10. Explain the difference between mass and weight
  11. vocab-when you explain or interpret the things you observe
  12. Explain the difference between a tornado watch and warning
  13. vocab-Sunlight, soil, temperature oxygen and water are examples of me
  14. A
  15. D
  16. vocab-this sphere is the layer of the atom-sphere where weather takes places, asaltitude increase, temperature decreases by 6.5*C
  17. what piece of equip-ment is needed for water displace-ment
  18. vocab- this principle states that during a chemical reaction, matter is not created nor destroyed
  19. the one variable that is purposely changed to test a hypo-thesis
  20. vocab-I am able to make my own food so that I can feed other
  21. vocab- is any change that alters the form like a crushed pop can
  22. Explain a 5 item food web
  23. E
  24. C
  25. vocab-reacts with metals and carbonates, tastes sour, and turns blue litmus paper red