Write analternateending tothe bookDoes the seasonor time affect thecharacters or theplot of the story?How important is itto the story?Make a list offive words thatdescribe themain character.Why do theydescribe them?If you couldrewrite a part ofthe story, whichpart would it beand why?Find 4 NewWords fromToday'sReading andWrite them andtheir DefinitionMake aConnection toToday's Reading(Text to Text; Textto Self; Text toWorld)Identifycharacter,setting,problem,climax, andsolutionWhy do youthink the authorwrote thisstory? How doyou know?Redo thebook coverand give ita new titleWhy didyou pickthis bookto read?Would you liketo be acharacter in thisstory? Why orwhy not?Write one factand oneopinion abouttoday'sreadingWhat is themood or toneof today'sreading? Howdo you know?Create acomic strip ofyour favoritepart of thestoryHave any ofthecharacterschanged? Ifso, how?How does thecharacter'sactions affectother peoplein the story?Write thestory fromanothercharacter'spoint of viewWhat didyou learnfrom readingthis book?Whichcharacter doyou feel youhave the mostin commonwith? Why?Write a reviewof the book.would yourecommend itto a friend?Illustrate yourfavorite part ofthe book fromtoday'sreadingMake aPredictionbased onwhat youread tonightWrite to theauthor or acharacter in thetext about apart you readtodayWrite asummaryof today'sreadingWrite analternateending tothe bookDoes the seasonor time affect thecharacters or theplot of the story?How important is itto the story?Make a list offive words thatdescribe themain character.Why do theydescribe them?If you couldrewrite a part ofthe story, whichpart would it beand why?Find 4 NewWords fromToday'sReading andWrite them andtheir DefinitionMake aConnection toToday's Reading(Text to Text; Textto Self; Text toWorld)Identifycharacter,setting,problem,climax, andsolutionWhy do youthink the authorwrote thisstory? How doyou know?Redo thebook coverand give ita new titleWhy didyou pickthis bookto read?Would you liketo be acharacter in thisstory? Why orwhy not?Write one factand oneopinion abouttoday'sreadingWhat is themood or toneof today'sreading? Howdo you know?Create acomic strip ofyour favoritepart of thestoryHave any ofthecharacterschanged? Ifso, how?How does thecharacter'sactions affectother peoplein the story?Write thestory fromanothercharacter'spoint of viewWhat didyou learnfrom readingthis book?Whichcharacter doyou feel youhave the mostin commonwith? Why?Write a reviewof the book.would yourecommend itto a friend?Illustrate yourfavorite part ofthe book fromtoday'sreadingMake aPredictionbased onwhat youread tonightWrite to theauthor or acharacter in thetext about apart you readtodayWrite asummaryof today'sreading

Reading Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Write an alternate ending to the book
  2. Does the season or time affect the characters or the plot of the story? How important is it to the story?
  3. Make a list of five words that describe the main character. Why do they describe them?
  4. If you could rewrite a part of the story, which part would it be and why?
  5. Find 4 New Words from Today's Reading and Write them and their Definition
  6. Make a Connection to Today's Reading (Text to Text; Text to Self; Text to World)
  7. Identify character, setting, problem, climax, and solution
  8. Why do you think the author wrote this story? How do you know?
  9. Redo the book cover and give it a new title
  10. Why did you pick this book to read?
  11. Would you like to be a character in this story? Why or why not?
  12. Write one fact and one opinion about today's reading
  13. What is the mood or tone of today's reading? How do you know?
  14. Create a comic strip of your favorite part of the story
  15. Have any of the characters changed? If so, how?
  16. How does the character's actions affect other people in the story?
  17. Write the story from another character's point of view
  18. What did you learn from reading this book?
  19. Which character do you feel you have the most in common with? Why?
  20. Write a review of the book. would you recommend it to a friend?
  21. Illustrate your favorite part of the book from today's reading
  22. Make a Prediction based on what you read tonight
  23. Write to the author or a character in the text about a part you read today
  24. Write a summary of today's reading