Read anawardwinningbookRead abook basedon real lifeeventsRead a bookaboutsomeone thesame age asyouRead a bookabout aplace you'dlike to visitRead abook witha oneword titleRead a bookwith a coverthat is yourfavorite colorRead abook thattakes placein winterRead abook by anewauthorRead atalks aboutsomeonelike yourselfRead anon-fictionbookRead abookabout asmall townRead abookabout thecityRead abook youcan finishin one dayRead amysteryLet someonepick a bookfor you toreadRead a bookthat takesplace in thesummerRead abook aboutanothercultureRead abook thattakes placein the futureRead abook thattakes placein the pastRead tosomeonefor 30minutesWrite ashortpoem orshort storyRead a bookabout ahobby orinterest ofyoursDraw apicture ofyour favoritecharacter orstoryRead a bookthat becamea movie or tvshowRead anawardwinningbookRead abook basedon real lifeeventsRead a bookaboutsomeone thesame age asyouRead a bookabout aplace you'dlike to visitRead abook witha oneword titleRead a bookwith a coverthat is yourfavorite colorRead abook thattakes placein winterRead abook by anewauthorRead atalks aboutsomeonelike yourselfRead anon-fictionbookRead abookabout asmall townRead abookabout thecityRead abook youcan finishin one dayRead amysteryLet someonepick a bookfor you toreadRead a bookthat takesplace in thesummerRead abook aboutanothercultureRead abook thattakes placein the futureRead abook thattakes placein the pastRead tosomeonefor 30minutesWrite ashortpoem orshort storyRead a bookabout ahobby orinterest ofyoursDraw apicture ofyour favoritecharacter orstoryRead a bookthat becamea movie or tvshow

Summer Reading Program 2017 - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Read an award winning book
  2. Read a book based on real life events
  3. Read a book about someone the same age as you
  4. Read a book about a place you'd like to visit
  5. Read a book with a one word title
  6. Read a book with a cover that is your favorite color
  7. Read a book that takes place in winter
  8. Read a book by a new author
  9. Read a talks about someone like yourself
  10. Read a non-fiction book
  11. Read a book about a small town
  12. Read a book about the city
  13. Read a book you can finish in one day
  14. Read a mystery
  15. Let someone pick a book for you to read
  16. Read a book that takes place in the summer
  17. Read a book about another culture
  18. Read a book that takes place in the future
  19. Read a book that takes place in the past
  20. Read to someone for 30 minutes
  21. Write a short poem or short story
  22. Read a book about a hobby or interest of yours
  23. Draw a picture of your favorite character or story
  24. Read a book that became a movie or tv show