Someone arguesthat there is noevidence Trump orhis Admin. actedwith corrupt intentComey declinesto answer "inlight of thepending FBIinvestigation"Comey testifiesTrump pressuredhim toend or mitigate thegrand juryinvestigationDiscussion ofhow Comey'sfiring impactedthe FBI'sinvestigationFL AG Pam Bondi, whodropped herinvestigation into TrumpUniversity after Trumpdonated $25,000 to hercampaign, dubiouslyquestionsComey's testimonyComeytestifies thatTrump askedhim to take aloyalty pledgeEveryoneagrees we allhave faith inSpecialCounsel BobMuellerDiscussion of howComey's firingimpededthe HouseIntelligenceCommitteeinvestigationSomeoneclarifies thatcollusion is notnecessarilycriminalComey testifiesthat others werepressured byPresident Trumpto end the grandjury or FBIinvestigationTrump-supporting501(c)(4) airsattack ad toquestion Comey'scredibilityComey discusseshis memosdetailing allegedpressure fromTrump to mitigatethe FBIinvestigationWatergatereferenceDiscussion of howComey's firingnegativelyimpactedthe SenateIntelligenceCommitteeinvestigationSomeone claimsthat Trump Admin.officials attemptedto conceal thereason Comeywas firedComey testifiesTrump discussedending ormitigating theFBI's investigationComey testifies thata Trump Admin.official pressuredhim to end ormitigate the FBIinvestigation orgrand juryinvestigationObligatoryTrump"Sad!"tweetSomeonecalls for anindependentcommissionSomeonesays somethinglike "this stuff issketchy but it'snot technicallyillegal, right?"Someonementionsthe House or SenateIntelligenceCommittees' relianceupon the FBI'sinformation for theirinvestigationsWhite Houselawyers needto take thePresident'sphoneComey testifies that hishandling of the Clintonemail serverinvestigation was notraised as an issuebefore Trump askedhim to end the FBIinvestigationComey testifiesabout Trumpcampaigninvolvement withRussianinterference in the2016 ElectionSomeone arguesthat there is noevidence Trump orhis Admin. actedwith corrupt intentComey declinesto answer "inlight of thepending FBIinvestigation"Comey testifiesTrump pressuredhim toend or mitigate thegrand juryinvestigationDiscussion ofhow Comey'sfiring impactedthe FBI'sinvestigationFL AG Pam Bondi, whodropped herinvestigation into TrumpUniversity after Trumpdonated $25,000 to hercampaign, dubiouslyquestionsComey's testimonyComeytestifies thatTrump askedhim to take aloyalty pledgeEveryoneagrees we allhave faith inSpecialCounsel BobMuellerDiscussion of howComey's firingimpededthe HouseIntelligenceCommitteeinvestigationSomeoneclarifies thatcollusion is notnecessarilycriminalComey testifiesthat others werepressured byPresident Trumpto end the grandjury or FBIinvestigationTrump-supporting501(c)(4) airsattack ad toquestion Comey'scredibilityComey discusseshis memosdetailing allegedpressure fromTrump to mitigatethe FBIinvestigationWatergatereferenceDiscussion of howComey's firingnegativelyimpactedthe SenateIntelligenceCommitteeinvestigationSomeone claimsthat Trump Admin.officials attemptedto conceal thereason Comeywas firedComey testifiesTrump discussedending ormitigating theFBI's investigationComey testifies thata Trump Admin.official pressuredhim to end ormitigate the FBIinvestigation orgrand juryinvestigationObligatoryTrump"Sad!"tweetSomeonecalls for anindependentcommissionSomeonesays somethinglike "this stuff issketchy but it'snot technicallyillegal, right?"Someonementionsthe House or SenateIntelligenceCommittees' relianceupon the FBI'sinformation for theirinvestigationsWhite Houselawyers needto take thePresident'sphoneComey testifies that hishandling of the Clintonemail serverinvestigation was notraised as an issuebefore Trump askedhim to end the FBIinvestigationComey testifiesabout Trumpcampaigninvolvement withRussianinterference in the2016 Election

CREW's Obstruction of Justice Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Someone argues that there is no evidence Trump or his Admin. acted with corrupt intent
  2. Comey declines to answer "in light of the pending FBI investigation"
  3. Comey testifies Trump pressured him to end or mitigate the grand jury investigation
  4. Discussion of how Comey's firing impacted the FBI's investigation
  5. FL AG Pam Bondi, who dropped her investigation into Trump University after Trump donated $25,000 to her campaign, dubiously questions Comey's testimony
  6. Comey testifies that Trump asked him to take a loyalty pledge
  7. Everyone agrees we all have faith in Special Counsel Bob Mueller
  8. Discussion of how Comey's firing impeded the House Intelligence Committee investigation
  9. Someone clarifies that collusion is not necessarily criminal
  10. Comey testifies that others were pressured by President Trump to end the grand jury or FBI investigation
  11. Trump-supporting 501(c)(4) airs attack ad to question Comey's credibility
  12. Comey discusses his memos detailing alleged pressure from Trump to mitigate the FBI investigation
  13. Watergate reference
  14. Discussion of how Comey's firing negatively impacted the Senate Intelligence Committee investigation
  15. Someone claims that Trump Admin. officials attempted to conceal the reason Comey was fired
  16. Comey testifies Trump discussed ending or mitigating the FBI's investigation
  17. Comey testifies that a Trump Admin. official pressured him to end or mitigate the FBI investigation or grand jury investigation
  18. Obligatory Trump "Sad!" tweet
  19. Someone calls for an independent commission
  20. Someone says something like "this stuff is sketchy but it's not technically illegal, right?"
  21. Someone mentions the House or Senate Intelligence Committees' reliance upon the FBI's information for their investigations
  22. White House lawyers need to take the President's phone
  23. Comey testifies that his handling of the Clinton email server investigation was not raised as an issue before Trump asked him to end the FBI investigation
  24. Comey testifies about Trump campaign involvement with Russian interference in the 2016 Election