Read "Rise tothe Stature ofthe Divinewithin You" byGordon B.HinckleyRead "TheTongue Can Bea Sharp Sword"by Marvin J.AshtonRead "CharityNever Faileth"by Thomas S.MonsonWrite aletter to amissionaryRead "TheKeys andAuthority of thePriesthood" byDallin H. OaksRead "AreWe Not AllMothers?" bySheri L. DewDo anact ofserviceReadMoroni10Go to theTemple, eitherto do anordinance, orto ponderRead "Walkingin the Light ofthe Lord" byGordon B.HinckleyMemorizea verse ofscriptureCookdinner foryourfamilyMemorize allthe verses toyou favoritehymnRead "TheShield ofFaith" byJames E.FaustTeach agospelprinciple to ayoungersibling, or afriendSharesomething youlearned atChurch withyour familyRead Alma56:45-48 &Alma 5:21Give 5sincerecomplimentsdaily for aweekReadChapter 1of PreachMy GospelGive awaya copy ofthe Bookof MormonWrite an "I appreciateyou" note to aGrandparent/Aunt/UncleRead TheFamilyProclamationAsk a parent ifthere issomething youcan do to helpthem with theircallingInvitesomeonewho isstruggling tohang outRead "Rise tothe Stature ofthe Divinewithin You" byGordon B.HinckleyRead "TheTongue Can Bea Sharp Sword"by Marvin J.AshtonRead "CharityNever Faileth"by Thomas S.MonsonWrite aletter to amissionaryRead "TheKeys andAuthority of thePriesthood" byDallin H. OaksRead "AreWe Not AllMothers?" bySheri L. DewDo anact ofserviceReadMoroni10Go to theTemple, eitherto do anordinance, orto ponderRead "Walkingin the Light ofthe Lord" byGordon B.HinckleyMemorizea verse ofscriptureCookdinner foryourfamilyMemorize allthe verses toyou favoritehymnRead "TheShield ofFaith" byJames E.FaustTeach agospelprinciple to ayoungersibling, or afriendSharesomething youlearned atChurch withyour familyRead Alma56:45-48 &Alma 5:21Give 5sincerecomplimentsdaily for aweekReadChapter 1of PreachMy GospelGive awaya copy ofthe Bookof MormonWrite an "I appreciateyou" note to aGrandparent/Aunt/UncleRead TheFamilyProclamationAsk a parent ifthere issomething youcan do to helpthem with theircallingInvitesomeonewho isstruggling tohang out

YW BINGO - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Read "Rise to the Stature of the Divine within You" by Gordon B. Hinckley
  2. Read "The Tongue Can Be a Sharp Sword" by Marvin J. Ashton
  3. Read "Charity Never Faileth" by Thomas S. Monson
  4. Write a letter to a missionary
  5. Read "The Keys and Authority of the Priesthood" by Dallin H. Oaks
  6. Read "Are We Not All Mothers?" by Sheri L. Dew
  7. Do an act of service
  8. Read Moroni 10
  9. Go to the Temple, either to do an ordinance, or to ponder
  10. Read "Walking in the Light of the Lord" by Gordon B. Hinckley
  11. Memorize a verse of scripture
  12. Cook dinner for your family
  13. Memorize all the verses to you favorite hymn
  14. Read "The Shield of Faith" by James E. Faust
  15. Teach a gospel principle to a younger sibling, or a friend
  16. Share something you learned at Church with your family
  17. Read Alma 56:45-48 & Alma 5:21
  18. Give 5 sincere compliments daily for a week
  19. Read Chapter 1 of Preach My Gospel
  20. Give away a copy of the Book of Mormon
  21. Write an "I appreciate you" note to a Grandparent/Aunt/Uncle
  22. Read The Family Proclamation
  23. Ask a parent if there is something you can do to help them with their calling
  24. Invite someone who is struggling to hang out