I am interning, but onthe side I amparticipating in anIndian Dance show [...]though I'm nowhereclose to being a dancer.Wait, do you even knowwho this is?[blank]Haha I'mgoing hanggliding [...]this comingweekend!I am eating a tonof cheese curds atmy internship,going to concerts,and taking manymini-road trips!FreeWent back home toIndia for 5 wks.. andnow I'm back in U.S.[...] taking amicroeconomicsclass at Harvard anda CS class at BostonUnivWorkingfor Boeing:visitedAlaskaInterning atViasat,hanggliding, skydivingWorking in alab and gettingyelled at byparents whilereffing soccerWorking 3 daysa week,designing awebsite, havingmy birthday!I am currently interningat Epic in Madison, WI.Highlight of my summerwas a huge cheese,bacon, beer, and polkafestival. Yes such thingsdo exist [...]FreeI'm interningat a startup inBellevuecalledMobilligy!I'm interningin Californiaand lovingit![blank]FreeInternshipatJPMorganInternship atCaterpillar! Nothingtoo exciting...I'm inPeoria...let's get real.There are a lot ofrednecks here.Working in 206Eng Hall. Also,underwaterhockey nationalsis coming up in 2weeks!Working at mypark districtand doingsome codingfor fun.Caddying andworking for a start upcompany. Thehighlight has beenmy trip to Tampa, Flto see a friend that Ihaven't seen in 3yrs.[blank]Currently studyingabroad in Madridso that has been agreat time withmany new greatexperiencesNAI went toSwitzerland for aweek after schoolended, and nowI'm doing aninternship inIndianapolis!I am interning, but onthe side I amparticipating in anIndian Dance show [...]though I'm nowhereclose to being a dancer.Wait, do you even knowwho this is?[blank]Haha I'mgoing hanggliding [...]this comingweekend!I am eating a tonof cheese curds atmy internship,going to concerts,and taking manymini-road trips!FreeWent back home toIndia for 5 wks.. andnow I'm back in U.S.[...] taking amicroeconomicsclass at Harvard anda CS class at BostonUnivWorkingfor Boeing:visitedAlaskaInterning atViasat,hanggliding, skydivingWorking in alab and gettingyelled at byparents whilereffing soccerWorking 3 daysa week,designing awebsite, havingmy birthday!I am currently interningat Epic in Madison, WI.Highlight of my summerwas a huge cheese,bacon, beer, and polkafestival. Yes such thingsdo exist [...]FreeI'm interningat a startup inBellevuecalledMobilligy!I'm interningin Californiaand lovingit![blank]FreeInternshipatJPMorganInternship atCaterpillar! Nothingtoo exciting...I'm inPeoria...let's get real.There are a lot ofrednecks here.Working in 206Eng Hall. Also,underwaterhockey nationalsis coming up in 2weeks!Working at mypark districtand doingsome codingfor fun.Caddying andworking for a start upcompany. Thehighlight has beenmy trip to Tampa, Flto see a friend that Ihaven't seen in 3yrs.[blank]Currently studyingabroad in Madridso that has been agreat time withmany new greatexperiencesNAI went toSwitzerland for aweek after schoolended, and nowI'm doing aninternship inIndianapolis!

EOH SummerBingo! - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. I am interning, but on the side I am participating in an Indian Dance show [...] though I'm nowhere close to being a dancer. Wait, do you even know who this is?
  2. [blank]
  3. Haha I'm going hang gliding [...] this coming weekend!
  4. I am eating a ton of cheese curds at my internship, going to concerts, and taking many mini-road trips!
  5. Free
  6. Went back home to India for 5 wks.. and now I'm back in U.S. [...] taking a microeconomics class at Harvard and a CS class at Boston Univ
  7. Working for Boeing: visited Alaska
  8. Interning at Viasat, hang gliding, sky diving
  9. Working in a lab and getting yelled at by parents while reffing soccer
  10. Working 3 days a week, designing a website, having my birthday!
  11. I am currently interning at Epic in Madison, WI. Highlight of my summer was a huge cheese, bacon, beer, and polka festival. Yes such things do exist [...]
  12. Free
  13. I'm interning at a startup in Bellevue called Mobilligy!
  14. I'm interning in California and loving it!
  15. [blank]
  16. Free
  17. Internship at JPMorgan
  18. Internship at Caterpillar! Nothing too exciting...I'm in Peoria...let's get real. There are a lot of rednecks here.
  19. Working in 206 Eng Hall. Also, underwater hockey nationals is coming up in 2 weeks!
  20. Working at my park district and doing some coding for fun.
  21. Caddying and working for a start up company. The highlight has been my trip to Tampa, Fl to see a friend that I haven't seen in 3 yrs.
  22. [blank]
  23. Currently studying abroad in Madrid so that has been a great time with many new great experiences
  24. NA
  25. I went to Switzerland for a week after school ended, and now I'm doing an internship in Indianapolis!