mother 3localizationnetflix/hulu/etcconfirmed +info/detailskirby air ride 2 (nintendoplease this is all i ask for,aside from a new shadowpokemon game but i'mbeing semi-realistic here,please nintendo if i couldonly have one new thingthis would be it,NINTENDO)focus on mareo +rabbids even thoughthey went into that indetail at ubisoft andit really isn'tnecessary to cover itagainsomethingnew hardlyanyonecares aboutgamecubecoming toswitch(pLEASE)ARMSa ton ofwii u portslabeled"deluxe"surprise revealthat everyonefreaks outabout (in agood way)a new animalcrossinggame...for mobile(see the middlespace for moreinformation)newmetroidnewf-zeroanothermemenewnintendo2dsi xl lite3d new5000 amiibothat hardlydo anythingin gamea good specialedition switchbut there'sonly like 12copiessplatty2smash 4 deluxewith all DLC (andif there's a newcharacter i'mbetting it's iceclimbers orinklings)old IPrevival (onethat isn't onhere...)virtualconsolespecialeditionswitch that'sugly afindiereelmostly talkingabout gameswe alreadyknow aboutmost of thetime is spenton marioodysseymother 3localizationnetflix/hulu/etcconfirmed +info/detailskirby air ride 2 (nintendoplease this is all i ask for,aside from a new shadowpokemon game but i'mbeing semi-realistic here,please nintendo if i couldonly have one new thingthis would be it,NINTENDO)focus on mareo +rabbids even thoughthey went into that indetail at ubisoft andit really isn'tnecessary to cover itagainsomethingnew hardlyanyonecares aboutgamecubecoming toswitch(pLEASE)ARMSa ton ofwii u portslabeled"deluxe"surprise revealthat everyonefreaks outabout (in agood way)a new animalcrossinggame...for mobile(see the middlespace for moreinformation)newmetroidnewf-zeroanothermemenewnintendo2dsi xl lite3d new5000 amiibothat hardlydo anythingin gamea good specialedition switchbut there'sonly like 12copiessplatty2smash 4 deluxewith all DLC (andif there's a newcharacter i'mbetting it's iceclimbers orinklings)old IPrevival (onethat isn't onhere...)virtualconsolespecialeditionswitch that'sugly afindiereelmostly talkingabout gameswe alreadyknow aboutmost of thetime is spenton marioodyssey

nintendo E3 bingo v2 - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. mother 3 localization
  2. netflix/hulu/etc confirmed + info/details
  3. kirby air ride 2 (nintendo please this is all i ask for, aside from a new shadow pokemon game but i'm being semi-realistic here, please nintendo if i could only have one new thing this would be it, NINTENDO)
  4. focus on mareo + rabbids even though they went into that in detail at ubisoft and it really isn't necessary to cover it again
  5. something new hardly anyone cares about
  6. gamecube coming to switch (pLEASE)
  7. ARMS
  8. a ton of wii u ports labeled "deluxe"
  9. surprise reveal that everyone freaks out about (in a good way)
  10. a new animal crossing game...for mobile (see the middle space for more information)
  11. new metroid
  12. new f-zero
  13. another meme
  14. new nintendo 2dsi xl lite 3d new
  15. 5000 amiibo that hardly do anything in game
  16. a good special edition switch but there's only like 12 copies
  17. splatty 2
  18. smash 4 deluxe with all DLC (and if there's a new character i'm betting it's ice climbers or inklings)
  19. old IP revival (one that isn't on here...)
  20. virtual console
  21. special edition switch that's ugly af
  22. indie reel
  23. mostly talking about games we already know about
  24. most of the time is spent on mario odyssey