"I don't knowwhy I'mcalling, younever DOanything!"Officerin needof aidIntoxicatedsubjectpassing outin publicFireworksrelated EMScall that couldhave beenavoided withcommon senseAshootingSomeoneaccusing policeof confiscatingfireworks fortheir own useComplaintabout roadsbeing blockedoff for 4th ofJuly events"I know it's aholiday andpeople want tohave fun, but Ihave to worktomorrow!"Noise complaintabout a houseparty at a timethat is stillreasonableFireworksrelated EMScall that couldhave beenavoided withcommon senseCaller tells youto enjoy the restof your holidaybut you're stuckat workCallerreportingsomeone stoletheir illegalfireworksLarge fightinvolvingmultiplesubjectsJuveniles shootingfireworks atcars/people/houses/animalsAstabbing/cutting"Those weregunshots. IKNOW thedifference!"noisecomplaintabout a city-sponsoredeventDrunkenDisturbance"I'm ataxpayer!"What timedoes thefireworksdisplay start?"I know fireworksare illegal but Ibought them formy children, can Istill use them?""Yes, excuseme, aren'tfireworksILLEGAL?!?"Variationof"Fireworksarescaringmy dog!"Callerthreatening to'take care' ofpeople shootingfireworksthemselves"I don't knowwhy I'mcalling, younever DOanything!"Officerin needof aidIntoxicatedsubjectpassing outin publicFireworksrelated EMScall that couldhave beenavoided withcommon senseAshootingSomeoneaccusing policeof confiscatingfireworks fortheir own useComplaintabout roadsbeing blockedoff for 4th ofJuly events"I know it's aholiday andpeople want tohave fun, but Ihave to worktomorrow!"Noise complaintabout a houseparty at a timethat is stillreasonableFireworksrelated EMScall that couldhave beenavoided withcommon senseCaller tells youto enjoy the restof your holidaybut you're stuckat workCallerreportingsomeone stoletheir illegalfireworksLarge fightinvolvingmultiplesubjectsJuveniles shootingfireworks atcars/people/houses/animalsAstabbing/cutting"Those weregunshots. IKNOW thedifference!"noisecomplaintabout a city-sponsoredeventDrunkenDisturbance"I'm ataxpayer!"What timedoes thefireworksdisplay start?"I know fireworksare illegal but Ibought them formy children, can Istill use them?""Yes, excuseme, aren'tfireworksILLEGAL?!?"Variationof"Fireworksarescaringmy dog!"Callerthreatening to'take care' ofpeople shootingfireworksthemselves

911 4th of July Bingo! - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. "I don't know why I'm calling, you never DO anything!"
  2. Officer in need of aid
  3. Intoxicated subject passing out in public
  4. Fireworks related EMS call that could have been avoided with common sense
  5. A shooting
  6. Someone accusing police of confiscating fireworks for their own use
  7. Complaint about roads being blocked off for 4th of July events
  8. "I know it's a holiday and people want to have fun, but I have to work tomorrow!"
  9. Noise complaint about a house party at a time that is still reasonable
  10. Fireworks related EMS call that could have been avoided with common sense
  11. Caller tells you to enjoy the rest of your holiday but you're stuck at work
  12. Caller reporting someone stole their illegal fireworks
  13. Large fight involving multiple subjects
  14. Juveniles shooting fireworks at cars/people/houses/animals
  15. A stabbing/cutting
  16. "Those were gunshots. I KNOW the difference!"
  17. noise complaint about a city-sponsored event
  18. Drunken Disturbance
  19. "I'm a taxpayer!"
  20. What time does the fireworks display start?
  21. "I know fireworks are illegal but I bought them for my children, can I still use them?"
  22. "Yes, excuse me, aren't fireworks ILLEGAL?!?"
  23. Variation of "Fireworks are scaring my dog!"
  24. Caller threatening to 'take care' of people shooting fireworks themselves