Likes oldand newwesternsRan threemarathonsHas beento 25statesHas been toalmost everyNational Parkin the USWas apercussionist forboth the AlabamaSchool of FineArts &Birmingham All-City OrchestraDoesFarmersMarketCame in 10thplace forchoregraphedMichaelJackson videoin collegeHopes to one daycompete in theJuly 4th Nathan’sHog Dog EatingContest on ConeyIsland.Plays thealtosaxaphoneDidn't gettheir driverslicense untilthey were 20years oldWas supposed tobe an acclaimedwriter, and wastold not to go tocollege or it wouldruin them as awriterIs ashoefanaticWayneNewton askedthem to workwith him inVegasOnce triedthevegetarianlifestyleLikes toput ice intheir milkPlayedprofessionalfootball inEuropeAvidhorseriderIn 8th gradewon a contestfor bestportrayal of aShakespeareancharacterLikestoGardenUsed to havea terriblestutter inelementaryschoolLikes tocollectvinylrecordsWhen they werelittle thought theywere Tarzan andwhile swinging onimaginary vinessprang their ankleBack in theday, had coolmoves onthe dancefloorPlaysUSDAtennisLoves totravel-hastraveled to23 countriesPlayed on theClevelandDarter Club AllStar Team for 3years, 1988-1990.Walked amile in redheelsSang altoin collegechoirKathleen-Cancook basicallyanything overa campfireWas such aStar Warsfanatic flew outof state to go toa Star WarsconventionCeleste-Taught afitnessbootcampthat includedyour dogAsked tochoreographand stage theirhigh school’sannual musical,Music Man,Spent a year inFrance duringsophomoreyear of highschoolAdrienne-MarvelfanaticLikes oldand newwesternsRan threemarathonsHas beento 25statesHas been toalmost everyNational Parkin the USWas apercussionist forboth the AlabamaSchool of FineArts &Birmingham All-City OrchestraDoesFarmersMarketCame in 10thplace forchoregraphedMichaelJackson videoin collegeHopes to one daycompete in theJuly 4th Nathan’sHog Dog EatingContest on ConeyIsland.Plays thealtosaxaphoneDidn't gettheir driverslicense untilthey were 20years oldWas supposed tobe an acclaimedwriter, and wastold not to go tocollege or it wouldruin them as awriterIs ashoefanaticWayneNewton askedthem to workwith him inVegasOnce triedthevegetarianlifestyleLikes toput ice intheir milkPlayedprofessionalfootball inEuropeAvidhorseriderIn 8th gradewon a contestfor bestportrayal of aShakespeareancharacterLikestoGardenUsed to havea terriblestutter inelementaryschoolLikes tocollectvinylrecordsWhen they werelittle thought theywere Tarzan andwhile swinging onimaginary vinessprang their ankleBack in theday, had coolmoves onthe dancefloorPlaysUSDAtennisLoves totravel-hastraveled to23 countriesPlayed on theClevelandDarter Club AllStar Team for 3years, 1988-1990.Walked amile in redheelsSang altoin collegechoirKathleen-Cancook basicallyanything overa campfireWas such aStar Warsfanatic flew outof state to go toa Star WarsconventionCeleste-Taught afitnessbootcampthat includedyour dogAsked tochoreographand stage theirhigh school’sannual musical,Music Man,Spent a year inFrance duringsophomoreyear of highschoolAdrienne-Marvelfanatic

Little Known Fact - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Likes old and new westerns
  2. Ran three marathons
  3. Has been to 25 states
  4. Has been to almost every National Park in the US
  5. Was a percussionist for both the Alabama School of Fine Arts & Birmingham All-City Orchestra
  6. Does Farmers Market
  7. Came in 10th place for choregraphed Michael Jackson video in college
  8. Hopes to one day compete in the July 4th Nathan’s Hog Dog Eating Contest on Coney Island.
  9. Plays the alto saxaphone
  10. Didn't get their drivers license until they were 20 years old
  11. Was supposed to be an acclaimed writer, and was told not to go to college or it would ruin them as a writer
  12. Is a shoe fanatic
  13. Wayne Newton asked them to work with him in Vegas
  14. Once tried the vegetarian lifestyle
  15. Likes to put ice in their milk
  16. Played professional football in Europe
  17. Avid horse rider
  18. In 8th grade won a contest for best portrayal of a Shakespearean character
  19. Likes to Garden
  20. Used to have a terrible stutter in elementary school
  21. Likes to collect vinyl records
  22. When they were little thought they were Tarzan and while swinging on imaginary vines sprang their ankle
  23. Back in the day, had cool moves on the dance floor
  24. Plays USDA tennis
  25. Loves to travel-has traveled to 23 countries
  26. Played on the Cleveland Darter Club All Star Team for 3 years, 1988-1990.
  27. Walked a mile in red heels
  28. Sang alto in college choir
  29. Kathleen-Can cook basically anything over a campfire
  30. Was such a Star Wars fanatic flew out of state to go to a Star Wars convention
  31. Celeste-Taught a fitness bootcamp that included your dog
  32. Asked to choreograph and stage their high school’s annual musical, Music Man,
  33. Spent a year in France during sophomore year of high school
  34. Adrienne-Marvel fanatic