subtractseven fromtwenty-onethe quotientof eight andtwo addedto sixthe quotientof twelve andtwo added toseventhe productof sevenand twoadded to sixthe sum offive andsevensubtractedby eightthe sum ofnine and fivesubtracted bythe product offour and threethe sum oftwenty twoand sixsubtractedby eightthe differenceof thirteen andthreemultiplied bysixthe sum ofsix and twosubtractedby threethe sum ofsix and twomultipliedby twelvethe sum oftwo andthreemultiplied byfourthedifference ofeighteen andnine addedto sixthe sum ofsix andsevensubtractedby twelvesubtractthree fromeleventenplusfivethe productof six andonesubtractedby eightthe productof eight andtwosubtractedby tenthe productof sevenand sevenadded to sixthe sum ofsixteen andtwosubtractedby tenthe quotientof sixteenand fouradded to tenthe quotientof sixteenand twoadded to sixsubtractthree fromten thenmultiply byfivethe sum oftwo and twomultipliedby sixthe product oftwo and twosubtractedfrom fourteensubtractseven fromtwenty-onethe quotientof eight andtwo addedto sixthe quotientof twelve andtwo added toseventhe productof sevenand twoadded to sixthe sum offive andsevensubtractedby eightthe sum ofnine and fivesubtracted bythe product offour and threethe sum oftwenty twoand sixsubtractedby eightthe differenceof thirteen andthreemultiplied bysixthe sum ofsix and twosubtractedby threethe sum ofsix and twomultipliedby twelvethe sum oftwo andthreemultiplied byfourthedifference ofeighteen andnine addedto sixthe sum ofsix andsevensubtractedby twelvesubtractthree fromeleventenplusfivethe productof six andonesubtractedby eightthe productof eight andtwosubtractedby tenthe productof sevenand sevenadded to sixthe sum ofsixteen andtwosubtractedby tenthe quotientof sixteenand fouradded to tenthe quotientof sixteenand twoadded to sixsubtractthree fromten thenmultiply byfivethe sum oftwo and twomultipliedby sixthe product oftwo and twosubtractedfrom fourteen

Written Expressions to Numerical Expressions - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. subtract seven from twenty-one
  2. the quotient of eight and two added to six
  3. the quotient of twelve and two added to seven
  4. the product of seven and two added to six
  5. the sum of five and seven subtracted by eight
  6. the sum of nine and five subtracted by the product of four and three
  7. the sum of twenty two and six subtracted by eight
  8. the difference of thirteen and three multiplied by six
  9. the sum of six and two subtracted by three
  10. the sum of six and two multiplied by twelve
  11. the sum of two and three multiplied by four
  12. the difference of eighteen and nine added to six
  13. the sum of six and seven subtracted by twelve
  14. subtract three from eleven
  15. ten plus five
  16. the product of six and one subtracted by eight
  17. the product of eight and two subtracted by ten
  18. the product of seven and seven added to six
  19. the sum of sixteen and two subtracted by ten
  20. the quotient of sixteen and four added to ten
  21. the quotient of sixteen and two added to six
  22. subtract three from ten then multiply by five
  23. the sum of two and two multiplied by six
  24. the product of two and two subtracted from fourteen