No employee shallwillingly allow anypersons to violateany of thesecardinal rulesFree!No employee isallowed to ride onmobile equipmentother than thequalified operatorNo employeeshall wearloose fittingclothing,jewelry or hairFree!Employeesmust conductthemselves ina safe mannerat all timesFirst aid is tobe receivedby a certifiedfirst aiderNo employee shallfail to stop anoperation if theenvironmental riskbecomesunacceptableAll protectiveclothing andPPE must beworn at alltimesNo Employee is toperform repairs,disassembly ormaintenancewithout lock outtag out procedureNofighting orhorseplayAll employeesare to keepaway from enddumps whileunloadingVisitors andContractorsmust sign inand receive theproper PPEAll unsafe actsand conditionsincluding nearmisses must bereportedimmediatelyNo employee shallhave in theirpossession/ beunder the influenceof drugs or alcoholwhile on companypropertyFree!Employees areonly authorizedto useequipment theyhave beentrained onEveryemployee shallmaintain goodhousekeepingstandardsFree!When usingequipment, allapplicableguards andshields must bein placeNo employeeshall listen toa personalaudio deviceAll workershave theobligation torefuseunsafe workFree!No Employeeshall use theircell phones forpersonal issueson companytimeNo employee shallwillingly allow anypersons to violateany of thesecardinal rulesFree!No employee isallowed to ride onmobile equipmentother than thequalified operatorNo employeeshall wearloose fittingclothing,jewelry or hairFree!Employeesmust conductthemselves ina safe mannerat all timesFirst aid is tobe receivedby a certifiedfirst aiderNo employee shallfail to stop anoperation if theenvironmental riskbecomesunacceptableAll protectiveclothing andPPE must beworn at alltimesNo Employee is toperform repairs,disassembly ormaintenancewithout lock outtag out procedureNofighting orhorseplayAll employeesare to keepaway from enddumps whileunloadingVisitors andContractorsmust sign inand receive theproper PPEAll unsafe actsand conditionsincluding nearmisses must bereportedimmediatelyNo employee shallhave in theirpossession/ beunder the influenceof drugs or alcoholwhile on companypropertyFree!Employees areonly authorizedto useequipment theyhave beentrained onEveryemployee shallmaintain goodhousekeepingstandardsFree!When usingequipment, allapplicableguards andshields must bein placeNo employeeshall listen toa personalaudio deviceAll workershave theobligation torefuseunsafe workFree!No Employeeshall use theircell phones forpersonal issueson companytime

Rules and Regulations Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. No employee shall willingly allow any persons to violate any of these cardinal rules
  2. Free!
  3. No employee is allowed to ride on mobile equipment other than the qualified operator
  4. No employee shall wear loose fitting clothing, jewelry or hair
  5. Free!
  6. Employees must conduct themselves in a safe manner at all times
  7. First aid is to be received by a certified first aider
  8. No employee shall fail to stop an operation if the environmental risk becomes unacceptable
  9. All protective clothing and PPE must be worn at all times
  10. No Employee is to perform repairs, disassembly or maintenance without lock out tag out procedure
  11. No fighting or horseplay
  12. All employees are to keep away from end dumps while unloading
  13. Visitors and Contractors must sign in and receive the proper PPE
  14. All unsafe acts and conditions including near misses must be reported immediately
  15. No employee shall have in their possession/ be under the influence of drugs or alcohol while on company property
  16. Free!
  17. Employees are only authorized to use equipment they have been trained on
  18. Every employee shall maintain good housekeeping standards
  19. Free!
  20. When using equipment, all applicable guards and shields must be in place
  21. No employee shall listen to a personal audio device
  22. All workers have the obligation to refuse unsafe work
  23. Free!
  24. No Employee shall use their cell phones for personal issues on company time