Concentrate!Ask the teacherwhat kind of testto expect andwhat specificinformation tolearn.On True-Falsequestions, look for:Never, Always, All,Not Ever. Theseusually mean astatement is false.Whenunsure, trythe bestpossibleanswer.Don't spendtoo muchtime on anyonequestion.Be preparedby studyingthe assignedmaterial.Read alldirectionscarefully beforebeginning atest.To answer fill-in-the-blank items,try answers in theblanks, choosingthe best one.Doyourbest!Relax and gointo the testwith apositiveattitude.Keep tryinguntil the testis finished,don't give up.On essay tests,make a briefoutline using keywords/phrasesbefore writing youranswer.Do your besttoconcentrateduring thetest.On True-False items,look for: Usually,Generally, AlmostAlways, Sometimes.These often mean itis false.If unsure, askfor clarification,then choose thebest possibleanswer.Keeptrying.Always be anactivelistener andclassparticipant.Eat a goodbreakfastbefore thetest.Checkyourwork.When solvinganalogies,determine howthe first twowords arerelated.Get plentyof rest thenight beforea test.To solve abstractmath problems,put numbers in theproblem so theywill be moreconcrete.Workquietly.Use memoryaids to helplearn a seriesof facts.Concentrate!Ask the teacherwhat kind of testto expect andwhat specificinformation tolearn.On True-Falsequestions, look for:Never, Always, All,Not Ever. Theseusually mean astatement is false.Whenunsure, trythe bestpossibleanswer.Don't spendtoo muchtime on anyonequestion.Be preparedby studyingthe assignedmaterial.Read alldirectionscarefully beforebeginning atest.To answer fill-in-the-blank items,try answers in theblanks, choosingthe best one.Doyourbest!Relax and gointo the testwith apositiveattitude.Keep tryinguntil the testis finished,don't give up.On essay tests,make a briefoutline using keywords/phrasesbefore writing youranswer.Do your besttoconcentrateduring thetest.On True-False items,look for: Usually,Generally, AlmostAlways, Sometimes.These often mean itis false.If unsure, askfor clarification,then choose thebest possibleanswer.Keeptrying.Always be anactivelistener andclassparticipant.Eat a goodbreakfastbefore thetest.Checkyourwork.When solvinganalogies,determine howthe first twowords arerelated.Get plentyof rest thenight beforea test.To solve abstractmath problems,put numbers in theproblem so theywill be moreconcrete.Workquietly.Use memoryaids to helplearn a seriesof facts.

THINK - Test Prep Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Concentrate!
  2. Ask the teacher what kind of test to expect and what specific information to learn.
  3. On True-False questions, look for: Never, Always, All, Not Ever. These usually mean a statement is false.
  4. When unsure, try the best possible answer.
  5. Don't spend too much time on any one question.
  6. Be prepared by studying the assigned material.
  7. Read all directions carefully before beginning a test.
  8. To answer fill-in-the-blank items, try answers in the blanks, choosing the best one.
  9. Do your best!
  10. Relax and go into the test with a positive attitude.
  11. Keep trying until the test is finished, don't give up.
  12. On essay tests, make a brief outline using key words/phrases before writing your answer.
  13. Do your best to concentrate during the test.
  14. On True-False items, look for: Usually, Generally, Almost Always, Sometimes. These often mean it is false.
  15. If unsure, ask for clarification, then choose the best possible answer.
  16. Keep trying.
  17. Always be an active listener and class participant.
  18. Eat a good breakfast before the test.
  19. Check your work.
  20. When solving analogies, determine how the first two words are related.
  21. Get plenty of rest the night before a test.
  22. To solve abstract math problems, put numbers in the problem so they will be more concrete.
  23. Work quietly.
  24. Use memory aids to help learn a series of facts.