I use an earpiececonnectedto my phoneI dostretchingexercisesat workI eat too muchjunk food atmy deskthrough outthe day.Someemails IactivelyavoidI always lookforward to thedeadline datesbecause I lovethe crazinessI checkKronos foraccuracyI over usetechnicaltermsI checkmy workemails onweekendsI feel proudwhen parentsare surprisedat how helpfulour office is.I'm goodwithExcelI make to-do listsevery dayI haveinspiringdesktopwallpaperI have a"refuse tolose" workattitudeSomeemails IactivelyavoidI have arear viewmonitormirrorI almostnever goout tolunchI have beenwithCPS/OAE forat least 10yearsI go for walksat lunch toget my stepsin when I canI still useaRolodex.I try not toleave for theday unless mydesk is cleanand organizedI hate theday that e-mail waseverinventedI canbecomeextremelyoverwhelmedat workI ammindful ofmy postureat my deskI whistleor singat workI use an earpiececonnectedto my phoneI dostretchingexercisesat workI eat too muchjunk food atmy deskthrough outthe day.Someemails IactivelyavoidI always lookforward to thedeadline datesbecause I lovethe crazinessI checkKronos foraccuracyI over usetechnicaltermsI checkmy workemails onweekendsI feel proudwhen parentsare surprisedat how helpfulour office is.I'm goodwithExcelI make to-do listsevery dayI haveinspiringdesktopwallpaperI have a"refuse tolose" workattitudeSomeemails IactivelyavoidI have arear viewmonitormirrorI almostnever goout tolunchI have beenwithCPS/OAE forat least 10yearsI go for walksat lunch toget my stepsin when I canI still useaRolodex.I try not toleave for theday unless mydesk is cleanand organizedI hate theday that e-mail waseverinventedI canbecomeextremelyoverwhelmedat workI ammindful ofmy postureat my deskI whistleor singat work

OAE Work Template 4 - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. I use an ear piece connected to my phone
  2. I do stretching exercises at work
  3. I eat too much junk food at my desk through out the day.
  4. Some emails I actively avoid
  5. I always look forward to the deadline dates because I love the craziness
  6. I check Kronos for accuracy
  7. I over use technical terms
  8. I check my work emails on weekends
  9. I feel proud when parents are surprised at how helpful our office is.
  10. I'm good with Excel
  11. I make to-do lists every day
  12. I have inspiring desktop wallpaper
  13. I have a "refuse to lose" work attitude
  14. Some emails I actively avoid
  15. I have a rear view monitor mirror
  16. I almost never go out to lunch
  17. I have been with CPS/OAE for at least 10 years
  18. I go for walks at lunch to get my steps in when I can
  19. I still use a Rolodex.
  20. I try not to leave for the day unless my desk is clean and organized
  21. I hate the day that e-mail was ever invented
  22. I can become extremely overwhelmed at work
  23. I am mindful of my posture at my desk
  24. I whistle or sing at work