You see a catsleeping ontheir back(take a sip ofH20)Someonewants us todeclaw theircat (chugsome H20)You get anemail fromyour boss(take a sip ofH20)Someoneasks how yourday is going(take a sip ofH20)You hearsomeone say'Ringworm'(take a sip ofH20)You stop totake apicture of acat (take asip of H20)You eat asnack(take a sipof H20)The lobby catmeows whenyou walk by(take a sip ofH20)Someone callswithoutidentifyingthemselves(chug someH20)You have to gofind somethingin thewarehouse(take a sip ofH20)You walk pastsomeoneholding 3+carriers (takea sip of H20)It starts torain outside(take a sipof H20)You seeASAP in anemail (take asip of H20)You loseyour keys(chugsome H20)A co-workermentionstheir family(take a sip ofH20)You see asweater onthe back of achair (take asip of H20)You changeyour shoesat work(chug someH20)You loseyour pen orpencil (takea sip of H20)You scan acat for theirmicrochip(take a sip ofH20)Someoneasks if theycan ask you aquestion (takea sip of H20)You see anamazinglycute kitten(chug someH20)You get aforwardedemail that saysFYI (chugsome H20)You thinkabout howawesome yourjob is (chugsome H20)You see morethan 3 types ofyogurt in thefridge (chugsome H20)You see a catsleeping ontheir back(take a sip ofH20)Someonewants us todeclaw theircat (chugsome H20)You get anemail fromyour boss(take a sip ofH20)Someoneasks how yourday is going(take a sip ofH20)You hearsomeone say'Ringworm'(take a sip ofH20)You stop totake apicture of acat (take asip of H20)You eat asnack(take a sipof H20)The lobby catmeows whenyou walk by(take a sip ofH20)Someone callswithoutidentifyingthemselves(chug someH20)You have to gofind somethingin thewarehouse(take a sip ofH20)You walk pastsomeoneholding 3+carriers (takea sip of H20)It starts torain outside(take a sipof H20)You seeASAP in anemail (take asip of H20)You loseyour keys(chugsome H20)A co-workermentionstheir family(take a sip ofH20)You see asweater onthe back of achair (take asip of H20)You changeyour shoesat work(chug someH20)You loseyour pen orpencil (takea sip of H20)You scan acat for theirmicrochip(take a sip ofH20)Someoneasks if theycan ask you aquestion (takea sip of H20)You see anamazinglycute kitten(chug someH20)You get aforwardedemail that saysFYI (chugsome H20)You thinkabout howawesome yourjob is (chugsome H20)You see morethan 3 types ofyogurt in thefridge (chugsome H20)

H20 Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. You see a cat sleeping on their back (take a sip of H20)
  2. Someone wants us to declaw their cat (chug some H20)
  3. You get an email from your boss (take a sip of H20)
  4. Someone asks how your day is going (take a sip of H20)
  5. You hear someone say 'Ringworm' (take a sip of H20)
  6. You stop to take a picture of a cat (take a sip of H20)
  7. You eat a snack (take a sip of H20)
  8. The lobby cat meows when you walk by (take a sip of H20)
  9. Someone calls without identifying themselves (chug some H20)
  10. You have to go find something in the warehouse (take a sip of H20)
  11. You walk past someone holding 3+ carriers (take a sip of H20)
  12. It starts to rain outside (take a sip of H20)
  13. You see ASAP in an email (take a sip of H20)
  14. You lose your keys (chug some H20)
  15. A co-worker mentions their family (take a sip of H20)
  16. You see a sweater on the back of a chair (take a sip of H20)
  17. You change your shoes at work (chug some H20)
  18. You lose your pen or pencil (take a sip of H20)
  19. You scan a cat for their microchip (take a sip of H20)
  20. Someone asks if they can ask you a question (take a sip of H20)
  21. You see an amazingly cute kitten (chug some H20)
  22. You get a forwarded email that says FYI (chug some H20)
  23. You think about how awesome your job is (chug some H20)
  24. You see more than 3 types of yogurt in the fridge (chug some H20)