SaysomethingpositiveaboutyourselfNamesomethingyou wouldlike to bebetter atDescribeyour rolein yourfamilyDescribesomethingsomeone coulddo to makeyou feel happySharesomething youwould like to dowith your familybut haven’t yetI feel bestwhenpeople_________Give acomplimentto the personto your leftShare acharacteristicyou admireabout someonein your familyGivesomeone inthe group ahigh fiveWhat is thebiggestchallengefaced byyour familyName apersonalaccomplishmentthat made youproudShare ahappyevent withyour familyI am good at_____________What isthe bestthing aboutyour familyStand up andsay “I can doanything I setmy mind to”I feel goodabout myselfwhen___________If you could seeanyone in yourfamily right nowwho would it beand why?Giveapplause tosomeone inthe group andsay whySay threethings youaregrateful forComplimentthe personto your rightI am happiestwhen I_______________DescribeyourperfectvacationShare thegreatestcomplimentyou have everreceivedTalk aboutsomeoneyouadmireSaysomethingpositiveaboutyourselfNamesomethingyou wouldlike to bebetter atDescribeyour rolein yourfamilyDescribesomethingsomeone coulddo to makeyou feel happySharesomething youwould like to dowith your familybut haven’t yetI feel bestwhenpeople_________Give acomplimentto the personto your leftShare acharacteristicyou admireabout someonein your familyGivesomeone inthe group ahigh fiveWhat is thebiggestchallengefaced byyour familyName apersonalaccomplishmentthat made youproudShare ahappyevent withyour familyI am good at_____________What isthe bestthing aboutyour familyStand up andsay “I can doanything I setmy mind to”I feel goodabout myselfwhen___________If you could seeanyone in yourfamily right nowwho would it beand why?Giveapplause tosomeone inthe group andsay whySay threethings youaregrateful forComplimentthe personto your rightI am happiestwhen I_______________DescribeyourperfectvacationShare thegreatestcomplimentyou have everreceivedTalk aboutsomeoneyouadmire

PLYS BINGO - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Say something positive about yourself
  2. Name something you would like to be better at
  3. Describe your role in your family
  4. Describe something someone could do to make you feel happy
  5. Share something you would like to do with your family but haven’t yet
  6. I feel best when people _________
  7. Give a compliment to the person to your left
  8. Share a characteristic you admire about someone in your family
  9. Give someone in the group a high five
  10. What is the biggest challenge faced by your family
  11. Name a personal accomplishment that made you proud
  12. Share a happy event with your family
  13. I am good at _____________
  14. What is the best thing about your family
  15. Stand up and say “I can do anything I set my mind to”
  16. I feel good about myself when ___________
  17. If you could see anyone in your family right now who would it be and why?
  18. Give applause to someone in the group and say why
  19. Say three things you are grateful for
  20. Compliment the person to your right
  21. I am happiest when I _______________
  22. Describe your perfect vacation
  23. Share the greatest compliment you have ever received
  24. Talk about someone you admire