Introduce yourself tosomeone you'veseen but neverspoken to before  .A newmember/first-timeGRCer (name andsection)  .Someone wholives in yourneighborhood  .Someone whospeaks anotherlanguage(name andlanguage)  .Closet air guitarist?Find a guitar clubmember, and askthem what guitar clubis  .Someone who's been inthe choir two or morecycles and get somepractice tips (name andone tip)  .Ask someone fromanother section whotheir favorite artist is.(name and artist)  .One of each:an alto;a soprano (bothnames)  .Someone fromyour hometown  .Find the choirdirector and thankhim for making thischoir in the firstplace  .Someone in thesame color shirtas you  .The choir socialdirector and thankher for planning thisevent  .Your sectionleader. SayHowdy!  .Someone with thesame drink as you(name and drink)  .Someone whoworks in the samejob or field as you  .A choir memberwho owns a pet(name and petinfo)  .Someonewho has sung a solo [inrehearsal or concert],ask them how they gotthe courage to do it(name and song)  .Someone whosebirthday is on ornear the concertdates (name anddate)  .Someone whoplays aninstrument (name& instrument)  .Someone who hasbeen with the choir forover a year [not asection leader] (nameand how long)  .Someone who'ssang karaoke in thepast year(name and go-tosong)  .One of each:a bass;a tenor (bothnames)  .A cabaret veteran:ask them about theirfavorite cabaretpiece (name andsong)  .A choir memberwearing GRCcolors  .Introduce yourself tosomeone you'veseen but neverspoken to before  .A newmember/first-timeGRCer (name andsection)  .Someone wholives in yourneighborhood  .Someone whospeaks anotherlanguage(name andlanguage)  .Closet air guitarist?Find a guitar clubmember, and askthem what guitar clubis  .Someone who's been inthe choir two or morecycles and get somepractice tips (name andone tip)  .Ask someone fromanother section whotheir favorite artist is.(name and artist)  .One of each:an alto;a soprano (bothnames)  .Someone fromyour hometown  .Find the choirdirector and thankhim for making thischoir in the firstplace  .Someone in thesame color shirtas you  .The choir socialdirector and thankher for planning thisevent  .Your sectionleader. SayHowdy!  .Someone with thesame drink as you(name and drink)  .Someone whoworks in the samejob or field as you  .A choir memberwho owns a pet(name and petinfo)  .Someonewho has sung a solo [inrehearsal or concert],ask them how they gotthe courage to do it(name and song)  .Someone whosebirthday is on ornear the concertdates (name anddate)  .Someone whoplays aninstrument (name& instrument)  .Someone who hasbeen with the choir forover a year [not asection leader] (nameand how long)  .Someone who'ssang karaoke in thepast year(name and go-tosong)  .One of each:a bass;a tenor (bothnames)  .A cabaret veteran:ask them about theirfavorite cabaretpiece (name andsong)  .A choir memberwearing GRCcolors  .

GRC Intro Night Scavenger Hunt Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Introduce yourself to someone you've seen but never spoken to before .
  2. A new member/first-time GRCer (name and section) .
  3. Someone who lives in your neighborhood .
  4. Someone who speaks another language (name and language) .
  5. Closet air guitarist? Find a guitar club member, and ask them what guitar club is .
  6. Someone who's been in the choir two or more cycles and get some practice tips (name and one tip) .
  7. Ask someone from another section who their favorite artist is. (name and artist) .
  8. One of each: an alto; a soprano (both names) .
  9. Someone from your hometown .
  10. Find the choir director and thank him for making this choir in the first place .
  11. Someone in the same color shirt as you .
  12. The choir social director and thank her for planning this event .
  13. Your section leader. Say Howdy! .
  14. Someone with the same drink as you (name and drink) .
  15. Someone who works in the same job or field as you .
  16. A choir member who owns a pet (name and pet info) .
  17. Someone who has sung a solo [in rehearsal or concert], ask them how they got the courage to do it (name and song) .
  18. Someone whose birthday is on or near the concert dates (name and date) .
  19. Someone who plays an instrument (name & instrument) .
  20. Someone who has been with the choir for over a year [not a section leader] (name and how long) .
  21. Someone who's sang karaoke in the past year (name and go-to song) .
  22. One of each: a bass; a tenor (both names) .
  23. A cabaret veteran: ask them about their favorite cabaret piece (name and song) .
  24. A choir member wearing GRC colors .