Give consistently on monthly basis Make a menu plan Have a car repair fund Set aside $ monthly for car insurance Have a vacation money plan Have a college fund No financial stress Debt-free including home Car is paid for Have a retirement fund Have no credit cards Know approx. amount in accounts Set aside $ for property taxes monthly Balance checkbook monthly Have savings account Teach children about finances No student loans Pay off credit cards monthly Have a health emergency fund Have a Christmas money plan Have 3-6 month emergency fund Have short-term emergency fund Make a grocery list Set aside $ for home insurance monthly Give consistently on monthly basis Make a menu plan Have a car repair fund Set aside $ monthly for car insurance Have a vacation money plan Have a college fund No financial stress Debt-free including home Car is paid for Have a retirement fund Have no credit cards Know approx. amount in accounts Set aside $ for property taxes monthly Balance checkbook monthly Have savings account Teach children about finances No student loans Pay off credit cards monthly Have a health emergency fund Have a Christmas money plan Have 3-6 month emergency fund Have short-term emergency fund Make a grocery list Set aside $ for home insurance monthly
(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.
Give consistently on monthly basis
Make a menu plan
Have a car repair fund
Set aside $ monthly for car insurance
Have a vacation money plan
Have a college fund
No financial stress
Debt-free including home
Car is paid for
Have a retirement fund
Have no credit cards
Know approx. amount in accounts
Set aside $ for property taxes monthly
Balance checkbook monthly
Have savings account
Teach children about finances
No student loans
Pay off credit cards monthly
Have a health emergency fund
Have a Christmas money plan
Have 3-6 month emergency fund
Have short-term emergency fund
Make a grocery list
Set aside $ for home insurance monthly