Read a book in thedark with a flashlight ________________Read a book like anews reporter ________________Read a book whilewearing PJs ________________Read a book to afriend ________________Read a book in ascary voice ________________Read a book outloud to someone ________________Read a book toyourself in the mirror ________________Read a book in avehicle ________________Read a book tosomeone youngerthan you ________________Read a book usingpictures first then thewords ________________Read a book tosomeone older ________________Read a book to aplant or animal ________________Have someone reada book to you ________________Read a book in bed __________________Read a book in asilly voice ________________Read a book in thekitchen ________________Read a book whilelistening to music ________________Read a book tosomeone over thephone ________________Read a book outside ________________Read a book in acomfy chair ________________Read a book in yourfavorite place ________________Read a book asquietly as you can ________________Read a book in yourroom ________________Read a book asloudly as you can ________________Read a book in thedark with a flashlight ________________Read a book like anews reporter ________________Read a book whilewearing PJs ________________Read a book to afriend ________________Read a book in ascary voice ________________Read a book outloud to someone ________________Read a book toyourself in the mirror ________________Read a book in avehicle ________________Read a book tosomeone youngerthan you ________________Read a book usingpictures first then thewords ________________Read a book tosomeone older ________________Read a book to aplant or animal ________________Have someone reada book to you ________________Read a book in bed __________________Read a book in asilly voice ________________Read a book in thekitchen ________________Read a book whilelistening to music ________________Read a book tosomeone over thephone ________________Read a book outside ________________Read a book in acomfy chair ________________Read a book in yourfavorite place ________________Read a book asquietly as you can ________________Read a book in yourroom ________________Read a book asloudly as you can ________________

Kindergarten- 2nd Grade - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Read a book in the dark with a flashlight ________________
  2. Read a book like a news reporter ________________
  3. Read a book while wearing PJs ________________
  4. Read a book to a friend ________________
  5. Read a book in a scary voice ________________
  6. Read a book out loud to someone ________________
  7. Read a book to yourself in the mirror ________________
  8. Read a book in a vehicle ________________
  9. Read a book to someone younger than you ________________
  10. Read a book using pictures first then the words ________________
  11. Read a book to someone older ________________
  12. Read a book to a plant or animal ________________
  13. Have someone read a book to you ________________
  14. Read a book in bed __________________
  15. Read a book in a silly voice ________________
  16. Read a book in the kitchen ________________
  17. Read a book while listening to music ________________
  18. Read a book to someone over the phone ________________
  19. Read a book outside ________________
  20. Read a book in a comfy chair ________________
  21. Read a book in your favorite place ________________
  22. Read a book as quietly as you can ________________
  23. Read a book in your room ________________
  24. Read a book as loudly as you can ________________