Identifiable andnoteworthyevents markingsignificantprogress on theproject.A task or set oftasks requiredby the project.Activities useresources andtimethe sum oftheTEactivitieson the pathbeinginvestigatedA series ofconnectedactivities (orintermediateevents) betweenany two events ina network.The set of activitieson a path from theproject's start eventto its finish eventthat, if delayed, willdelay the completiondate of the project.the varianceof the pathbeingconsideredThe timerequired tocomplete allactivities on thecritical path.What istotal slacklife?What isAOA?the desiredprojectcompletiontimeWhatChapter arewe currentlyin?What isGreg'smiddlename?Free!An identifiable stateresulting from thecompletion of one ormore activities. Eventsconsume no resources ortime. Before an event canbe achieved or realized,all its predecessoractivities must becompleted.also referredto as the“expectedtime,”What isAON?Identifiable andnoteworthyevents markingsignificantprogress on theproject.A task or set oftasks requiredby the project.Activities useresources andtimethe sum oftheTEactivitieson the pathbeinginvestigatedA series ofconnectedactivities (orintermediateevents) betweenany two events ina network.The set of activitieson a path from theproject's start eventto its finish eventthat, if delayed, willdelay the completiondate of the project.the varianceof the pathbeingconsideredThe timerequired tocomplete allactivities on thecritical path.What istotal slacklife?What isAOA?the desiredprojectcompletiontimeWhatChapter arewe currentlyin?What isGreg'smiddlename?Free!An identifiable stateresulting from thecompletion of one ormore activities. Eventsconsume no resources ortime. Before an event canbe achieved or realized,all its predecessoractivities must becompleted.also referredto as the“expectedtime,”What isAON?

Project Management - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Identifiable and noteworthy events marking significant progress on the project.
  2. A task or set of tasks required by the project. Activities use resources and time
  3. the sum of theTEactivities on the path being investigated
  4. A series of connected activities (or intermediate events) between any two events in a network.
  5. The set of activities on a path from the project's start event to its finish event that, if delayed, will delay the completion date of the project.
  6. the variance of the path being considered
  7. The time required to complete all activities on the critical path.
  8. What is total slack life?
  9. What is AOA?
  10. the desired project completion time
  11. What Chapter are we currently in?
  12. What is Greg's middle name?
  13. Free!
  14. An identifiable state resulting from the completion of one or more activities. Events consume no resources or time. Before an event can be achieved or realized, all its predecessor activities must be completed.
  15. also referred to as the “expected time,”
  16. What is AON?