Doesn't own a smartphone has dimples is left- handed came here in flip flops has lived in different state wearing something from a garage sale/thrift has broken a bone has been out of the country is wearing mis matched socks has a blog or website has run a 5K race had a birthday in the last month has 3 or more pets has 5 or more siblings can recite the 10 Commands. from memory is wearing a watch posted on Instagram in the last hour has their own car leans toward conspiracy theorist has a YouTube Channel is a aunt or uncle has braces dyes their hair has naturally curly hair Doesn't own a smartphone has dimples is left- handed came here in flip flops has lived in different state wearing something from a garage sale/thrift has broken a bone has been out of the country is wearing mis matched socks has a blog or website has run a 5K race had a birthday in the last month has 3 or more pets has 5 or more siblings can recite the 10 Commands. from memory is wearing a watch posted on Instagram in the last hour has their own car leans toward conspiracy theorist has a YouTube Channel is a aunt or uncle has braces dyes their hair has naturally curly hair
(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.
Doesn't own a smartphone
is left-handed
came here in flip flops
has lived in different state
wearing something from a garage sale/thrift
has broken a bone
has been out of the country
is wearing mis matched socks
has a blog or website
has run a 5K race
had a birthday in the last month
has 3 or more pets
has 5 or more siblings
can recite the 10 Commands. from memory
is wearing a watch
posted on Instagram in the last hour
has their own car
leans toward conspiracy theorist
has a YouTube Channel
is a aunt or uncle
dyes their hair
has naturally curly hair