Awkwardavoidance of thefact thedysfunctionalhousehold theycreated caused alot of your issues"Well at least youdon't have [insertstigmatizedmental illness yoususpect you havebut haven'tbrought up yet]""why didn't youtell us sooner"when you did,but they didn'tlistenParent who tookone (1) psychcourse 30 yearsago attemptsarmchairdiagnosisParent whospends money onthings they don'tuse guilt trips youabout the cost oftherapyTells theirfriends aboutit withoutyourpermissionTalking aboutsome weird'cure' theirfriend triedNo idea howexposuretherapyactuallyworksDoesn'tunderstandwhat therapyis ForClaims therapistjust wants to sellyou pills, doesn'trealize therapistcan't prescribeanythingSuggestssomething thatwould, in fact, beMORE damagingto your mentalhealthImplyingthat you'rejust lazyClaimspsychiatristjust wants tosell you pillsRead anarticle andnow thinksthey knowmore than youDefensiveabout how theydidn't noticeyou werestrugglingIf you'resuccessful, itmeans you're notmentally ill. Ifyou're notsuccessful, you'rejust not tryingImplying thatfeeling (sad,nervous, etc.)sometimes is thesame as having(depression,anxiety, etc.)Suddenly learningabout all yourrelatives' mentalillnesses that werepreviously aForbidden Topic"But [siblingwith similarissues] doesthe samething!"Parent noticessymptoms more nowthat you've explainedthem and acts likeyou've suddenlystarted showingthem more"I'll believe it whenI see a diagnosis"then thinks theshrink's a quackwhen you do get adiagnosisNo ideahowmedicationworksTalks about OfficialDiagnosis like it's afancy certificate withyour mental illnesswritten on it in gildedlettering"what do youmean that's asymptom,you've alwaysdone that" IKNOWAwkwardavoidance of thefact thedysfunctionalhousehold theycreated caused alot of your issues"Well at least youdon't have [insertstigmatizedmental illness yoususpect you havebut haven'tbrought up yet]""why didn't youtell us sooner"when you did,but they didn'tlistenParent who tookone (1) psychcourse 30 yearsago attemptsarmchairdiagnosisParent whospends money onthings they don'tuse guilt trips youabout the cost oftherapyTells theirfriends aboutit withoutyourpermissionTalking aboutsome weird'cure' theirfriend triedNo idea howexposuretherapyactuallyworksDoesn'tunderstandwhat therapyis ForClaims therapistjust wants to sellyou pills, doesn'trealize therapistcan't prescribeanythingSuggestssomething thatwould, in fact, beMORE damagingto your mentalhealthImplyingthat you'rejust lazyClaimspsychiatristjust wants tosell you pillsRead anarticle andnow thinksthey knowmore than youDefensiveabout how theydidn't noticeyou werestrugglingIf you'resuccessful, itmeans you're notmentally ill. Ifyou're notsuccessful, you'rejust not tryingImplying thatfeeling (sad,nervous, etc.)sometimes is thesame as having(depression,anxiety, etc.)Suddenly learningabout all yourrelatives' mentalillnesses that werepreviously aForbidden Topic"But [siblingwith similarissues] doesthe samething!"Parent noticessymptoms more nowthat you've explainedthem and acts likeyou've suddenlystarted showingthem more"I'll believe it whenI see a diagnosis"then thinks theshrink's a quackwhen you do get adiagnosisNo ideahowmedicationworksTalks about OfficialDiagnosis like it's afancy certificate withyour mental illnesswritten on it in gildedlettering"what do youmean that's asymptom,you've alwaysdone that" IKNOW

Talking To Parents About Mental Health Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Awkward avoidance of the fact the dysfunctional household they created caused a lot of your issues
  2. "Well at least you don't have [insert stigmatized mental illness you suspect you have but haven't brought up yet]"
  3. "why didn't you tell us sooner" when you did, but they didn't listen
  4. Parent who took one (1) psych course 30 years ago attempts armchair diagnosis
  5. Parent who spends money on things they don't use guilt trips you about the cost of therapy
  6. Tells their friends about it without your permission
  7. Talking about some weird 'cure' their friend tried
  8. No idea how exposure therapy actually works
  9. Doesn't understand what therapy is For
  10. Claims therapist just wants to sell you pills, doesn't realize therapist can't prescribe anything
  11. Suggests something that would, in fact, be MORE damaging to your mental health
  12. Implying that you're just lazy
  13. Claims psychiatrist just wants to sell you pills
  14. Read an article and now thinks they know more than you
  15. Defensive about how they didn't notice you were struggling
  16. If you're successful, it means you're not mentally ill. If you're not successful, you're just not trying
  17. Implying that feeling (sad, nervous, etc.) sometimes is the same as having (depression, anxiety, etc.)
  18. Suddenly learning about all your relatives' mental illnesses that were previously a Forbidden Topic
  19. "But [sibling with similar issues] does the same thing!"
  20. Parent notices symptoms more now that you've explained them and acts like you've suddenly started showing them more
  21. "I'll believe it when I see a diagnosis" then thinks the shrink's a quack when you do get a diagnosis
  22. No idea how medication works
  23. Talks about Official Diagnosis like it's a fancy certificate with your mental illness written on it in gilded lettering
  24. "what do you mean that's a symptom, you've always done that" I KNOW