________asked aquestionaboutreciprocity________ used________'sname whenresponding to aquestion________connected to aprevious personalexperience whenresponding________ definedthe courseconcept_________ whenanswering aquestion________ usedthe phrase"discoursecommunity" in aquestion orresponse________connectedAudrey's essayto their ownopinions aboutwriting________shared anexperienceaboutcommunityservice________ reada quote fromthe readingwhenanswering aquestion________asked aquestion aboutworkplacewriting________asked________ whatthey thoughtabout aquestion________asked aquestionaboutreflection________asked aquestion aboutMcKnight'sessay________connected to aprevious personalexperience whenresponding________ definedthe courseconcept_________ whenanswering aquestion________ politelydisagreed andused the readingto support theirthoughts________made aconnection toanother coursethey're taking________ reada quote fromthe readingwhen asking aquestion________ used________'sname whenresponding to aquestion________asked aquestion thatconnected to aprevious project________asked________ whatthey thoughtabout aquestion________asked aquestionaboutreciprocity________ used________'sname whenresponding to aquestion________connected to aprevious personalexperience whenresponding________ definedthe courseconcept_________ whenanswering aquestion________ usedthe phrase"discoursecommunity" in aquestion orresponse________connectedAudrey's essayto their ownopinions aboutwriting________shared anexperienceaboutcommunityservice________ reada quote fromthe readingwhenanswering aquestion________asked aquestion aboutworkplacewriting________asked________ whatthey thoughtabout aquestion________asked aquestionaboutreflection________asked aquestion aboutMcKnight'sessay________connected to aprevious personalexperience whenresponding________ definedthe courseconcept_________ whenanswering aquestion________ politelydisagreed andused the readingto support theirthoughts________made aconnection toanother coursethey're taking________ reada quote fromthe readingwhen asking aquestion________ used________'sname whenresponding to aquestion________asked aquestion thatconnected to aprevious project________asked________ whatthey thoughtabout aquestion

Discussion Day Bingo! - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. ________ asked a question about reciprocity
  2. ________ used ________'s name when responding to a question
  3. ________ connected to a previous personal experience when responding
  4. ________ defined the course concept _________ when answering a question
  5. ________ used the phrase "discourse community" in a question or response
  6. ________ connected Audrey's essay to their own opinions about writing
  7. ________ shared an experience about community service
  8. ________ read a quote from the reading when answering a question
  9. ________ asked a question about workplace writing
  10. ________ asked ________ what they thought about a question
  11. ________ asked a question about reflection
  12. ________ asked a question about McKnight's essay
  13. ________ connected to a previous personal experience when responding
  14. ________ defined the course concept _________ when answering a question
  15. ________ politely disagreed and used the reading to support their thoughts
  16. ________ made a connection to another course they're taking
  17. ________ read a quote from the reading when asking a question
  18. ________ used ________'s name when responding to a question
  19. ________ asked a question that connected to a previous project
  20. ________ asked ________ what they thought about a question