X. Tell me onthe GoogleDocabout what youwant to bewhen you growup and why.D. Make a plan to helpsomebody that you seeis struggling in someway. Tell me how youplan to lend a hand onthe GoogleDoc. Do itover fall break, showme proof, and I’ll giveyou a few bonus points!P. Pick up litter in thehallway or some part ofthe school. Throw itaway. Take a selfie ofyou putting it in thetrash. Post the picture,what the item was, andwhere you found it onthe GoogleDoc.K. Tell me the titleand plot of yourfavorite movie.Why is it yourfavorite? Put thedetails on theGoogleDoc.M. Post on theGoogleDoc a pictureor selfie of youhelping someone.Explain what’shappening in thepicture.Q. Write a letter toSanta. Be sure to tellhim about yourChristmas wish list. Ifyou’re not sure what toask for, ask him to passthe Biology Keystoneexam! Give me theletter!U. Post apicture/selfie onthe GoogleDoc ofyou and your bestfriend. Tell mewho it is and whyyou are bffs.T. Post a picture onthe GoogleDoc of acar that you thinkwas the first car thatI bought/owned.Hint: it was modelyear 1998.N. Post a picture onthe GoogleDoc ofyou when you wereyounger. How oldwere you? What washappening in thepicture?I. Post the link to yourfavorite YouTube videothat you want me towatch (schoolappropriate) on theGoogleDoc. Be sure totell me why it is yourfavorite!W. Tell me the titleand plot of yourfavorite book. Whyis it your favorite?Put the details onthe GoogleDoc.E. Post a picture orselfie of you with afamily member. Tellme who it is andattach the picture onthe GoogleDoc.O. Post a picture on theGoogleDoc of you onvacation. Explain where youare in the picture and whatyou enjoyed about the trip. (Ifyour family doesn’t travel, posta picture of a place you wouldlike to visit and why you wouldlike to go thereJ. Post on theGoogleDoc a pictureor selfie of youexperiencing nature.Explain to me whatyou were doing inthe picture.H. Email your favoriteelementary or middle schoolteacher. Remind the teacherwho you are, tell the teacherwhy he/she is your favorite,and describe something theydid that made a (positive)impact on you – let me read itbefore you click send.C. Look up the songs on theBillboard’s Hot 100 for theyear 1998 (the year Igraduated high school, eek!).Choose 3 songs you thinkwere my favorite. Tell mewhich 3 songs and why youthink they were my favorites.Post your answer on theGoogF. Post a picture ofselfie of you doingsomething awesomeon the GoogleDoc.Be sure to explainwhat’s happening inthe picture!L. Find your favoriteteacher at NAI. Withoutdisrupting his/her classor being rude, thankthat person for being agreat teacher. Take aselfie with him/her andpost it on theGoogleDoc.R. Tell me about afamily tradition in yourfamily. What is it?Why does your familydo it? What do youenjoy about it? Postthe details on theGoogleDoc.B. Listen to a TED talkthat you havepreviously enjoyed orwatch one on yourfavorite topic thatinspires you. Briefsummarize AND sharethe link on theGoogleDoc.S. Post a picture onthe GoogleDoc ofyou playing asport/doing anextracurricularactivity. Tell mewhat’s happening inthe picture!G. On a postcard, writea handwritten note toan influential role modelin your life telling themhow you appreciatethem. Show me thenote. Deliver or send itto the person over fallbreak.A. Create a YouTubeplaylist to listen to in lab.Be sure that all music isschool appropriate. Itneeds to cover at leastone 40 minutes classperiod. Set privacy settingto unlisted and share thelink with me on theGoogleDoc.V. On the GoogleDoc,tell me about yourfavorite class this year.Why is it your favorite?What is the bestactivity/lesson thatyou’ve done in thatclass?X. Tell me onthe GoogleDocabout what youwant to bewhen you growup and why.D. Make a plan to helpsomebody that you seeis struggling in someway. Tell me how youplan to lend a hand onthe GoogleDoc. Do itover fall break, showme proof, and I’ll giveyou a few bonus points!P. Pick up litter in thehallway or some part ofthe school. Throw itaway. Take a selfie ofyou putting it in thetrash. Post the picture,what the item was, andwhere you found it onthe GoogleDoc.K. Tell me the titleand plot of yourfavorite movie.Why is it yourfavorite? Put thedetails on theGoogleDoc.M. Post on theGoogleDoc a pictureor selfie of youhelping someone.Explain what’shappening in thepicture.Q. Write a letter toSanta. Be sure to tellhim about yourChristmas wish list. Ifyou’re not sure what toask for, ask him to passthe Biology Keystoneexam! Give me theletter!U. Post apicture/selfie onthe GoogleDoc ofyou and your bestfriend. Tell mewho it is and whyyou are bffs.T. Post a picture onthe GoogleDoc of acar that you thinkwas the first car thatI bought/owned.Hint: it was modelyear 1998.N. Post a picture onthe GoogleDoc ofyou when you wereyounger. How oldwere you? What washappening in thepicture?I. Post the link to yourfavorite YouTube videothat you want me towatch (schoolappropriate) on theGoogleDoc. Be sure totell me why it is yourfavorite!W. Tell me the titleand plot of yourfavorite book. Whyis it your favorite?Put the details onthe GoogleDoc.E. Post a picture orselfie of you with afamily member. Tellme who it is andattach the picture onthe GoogleDoc.O. Post a picture on theGoogleDoc of you onvacation. Explain where youare in the picture and whatyou enjoyed about the trip. (Ifyour family doesn’t travel, posta picture of a place you wouldlike to visit and why you wouldlike to go thereJ. Post on theGoogleDoc a pictureor selfie of youexperiencing nature.Explain to me whatyou were doing inthe picture.H. Email your favoriteelementary or middle schoolteacher. Remind the teacherwho you are, tell the teacherwhy he/she is your favorite,and describe something theydid that made a (positive)impact on you – let me read itbefore you click send.C. Look up the songs on theBillboard’s Hot 100 for theyear 1998 (the year Igraduated high school, eek!).Choose 3 songs you thinkwere my favorite. Tell mewhich 3 songs and why youthink they were my favorites.Post your answer on theGoogF. Post a picture ofselfie of you doingsomething awesomeon the GoogleDoc.Be sure to explainwhat’s happening inthe picture!L. Find your favoriteteacher at NAI. Withoutdisrupting his/her classor being rude, thankthat person for being agreat teacher. Take aselfie with him/her andpost it on theGoogleDoc.R. Tell me about afamily tradition in yourfamily. What is it?Why does your familydo it? What do youenjoy about it? Postthe details on theGoogleDoc.B. Listen to a TED talkthat you havepreviously enjoyed orwatch one on yourfavorite topic thatinspires you. Briefsummarize AND sharethe link on theGoogleDoc.S. Post a picture onthe GoogleDoc ofyou playing asport/doing anextracurricularactivity. Tell mewhat’s happening inthe picture!G. On a postcard, writea handwritten note toan influential role modelin your life telling themhow you appreciatethem. Show me thenote. Deliver or send itto the person over fallbreak.A. Create a YouTubeplaylist to listen to in lab.Be sure that all music isschool appropriate. Itneeds to cover at leastone 40 minutes classperiod. Set privacy settingto unlisted and share thelink with me on theGoogleDoc.V. On the GoogleDoc,tell me about yourfavorite class this year.Why is it your favorite?What is the bestactivity/lesson thatyou’ve done in thatclass?

Thanksgiving Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. X. Tell me on the GoogleDoc about what you want to be when you grow up and why.
  2. D. Make a plan to help somebody that you see is struggling in some way. Tell me how you plan to lend a hand on the GoogleDoc. Do it over fall break, show me proof, and I’ll give you a few bonus points!
  3. P. Pick up litter in the hallway or some part of the school. Throw it away. Take a selfie of you putting it in the trash. Post the picture, what the item was, and where you found it on the GoogleDoc.
  4. K. Tell me the title and plot of your favorite movie. Why is it your favorite? Put the details on the GoogleDoc.
  5. M. Post on the GoogleDoc a picture or selfie of you helping someone. Explain what’s happening in the picture.
  6. Q. Write a letter to Santa. Be sure to tell him about your Christmas wish list. If you’re not sure what to ask for, ask him to pass the Biology Keystone exam! Give me the letter!
  7. U. Post a picture/selfie on the GoogleDoc of you and your best friend. Tell me who it is and why you are bffs.
  8. T. Post a picture on the GoogleDoc of a car that you think was the first car that I bought/owned. Hint: it was model year 1998.
  9. N. Post a picture on the GoogleDoc of you when you were younger. How old were you? What was happening in the picture?
  10. I. Post the link to your favorite YouTube video that you want me to watch (school appropriate) on the GoogleDoc. Be sure to tell me why it is your favorite!
  11. W. Tell me the title and plot of your favorite book. Why is it your favorite? Put the details on the GoogleDoc.
  12. E. Post a picture or selfie of you with a family member. Tell me who it is and attach the picture on the GoogleDoc.
  13. O. Post a picture on the GoogleDoc of you on vacation. Explain where you are in the picture and what you enjoyed about the trip. (If your family doesn’t travel, post a picture of a place you would like to visit and why you would like to go there
  14. J. Post on the GoogleDoc a picture or selfie of you experiencing nature. Explain to me what you were doing in the picture.
  15. H. Email your favorite elementary or middle school teacher. Remind the teacher who you are, tell the teacher why he/she is your favorite, and describe something they did that made a (positive) impact on you – let me read it before you click send.
  16. C. Look up the songs on the Billboard’s Hot 100 for the year 1998 (the year I graduated high school, eek!). Choose 3 songs you think were my favorite. Tell me which 3 songs and why you think they were my favorites. Post your answer on the Goog
  17. F. Post a picture of selfie of you doing something awesome on the GoogleDoc. Be sure to explain what’s happening in the picture!
  18. L. Find your favorite teacher at NAI. Without disrupting his/her class or being rude, thank that person for being a great teacher. Take a selfie with him/her and post it on the GoogleDoc.
  19. R. Tell me about a family tradition in your family. What is it? Why does your family do it? What do you enjoy about it? Post the details on the GoogleDoc.
  20. B. Listen to a TED talk that you have previously enjoyed or watch one on your favorite topic that inspires you. Brief summarize AND share the link on the GoogleDoc.
  21. S. Post a picture on the GoogleDoc of you playing a sport/doing an extracurricular activity. Tell me what’s happening in the picture!
  22. G. On a postcard, write a handwritten note to an influential role model in your life telling them how you appreciate them. Show me the note. Deliver or send it to the person over fall break.
  23. A. Create a YouTube playlist to listen to in lab. Be sure that all music is school appropriate. It needs to cover at least one 40 minutes class period. Set privacy setting to unlisted and share the link with me on the GoogleDoc.
  24. V. On the GoogleDoc, tell me about your favorite class this year. Why is it your favorite? What is the best activity/lesson that you’ve done in that class?