MRSstrategies areusedthroughout thelesson. (2.4)The Do Now activityeither reviewa theprevious day'smaterial orintroduces the day'sobjective. (2.3)Practice isaligned torigor of theACP. (2.1)Teacher givesdirections in aconcise,logical fashion(2.3)Materials areorganizedwhere they areaccessible tothe studetns.(3.1)Tranisitionsaresmooth.(3.1)Clear routinesand proceduresare inplace;studetnsare not idle.(3.1)Teacher ismonitoringusing theexemplar.(2.2)MRSstrategies areusedthroughout thelesson. (2.4)The Do Now activityeither reviewa theprevious day'smaterial orintroduces the day'sobjective. (2.3)Practice isaligned torigor of theACP. (2.1)Teacher givesdirections in aconcise,logical fashion(2.3)Materials areorganizedwhere they areaccessible tothe studetns.(3.1)Tranisitionsaresmooth.(3.1)Clear routinesand proceduresare inplace;studetnsare not idle.(3.1)Teacher ismonitoringusing theexemplar.(2.2)

Instructional Strategy Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. MRS strategies are used throughout the lesson. (2.4)
  2. The Do Now activity either reviewa the previous day's material or introduces the day's objective. (2.3)
  3. Practice is aligned to rigor of the ACP. (2.1)
  4. Teacher gives directions in a concise, logical fashion (2.3)
  5. Materials are organized where they are accessible to the studetns. (3.1)
  6. Tranisitions are smooth. (3.1)
  7. Clear routines and procedures are in place;studetns are not idle. (3.1)
  8. Teacher is monitoring using the exemplar. (2.2)