Santa bullying Ralphie Inappropr. Language Be Sure to Drink Your Ovaltine! Family Tradition: Picking the tree! Peer Pressure Lick the Flagpole! “You’ll shoot your eye out!” Holy Cow, it's the fire department! Fra- gee-lay Anti-Bully "Say Uncle!" #1 "It's a clinker!" Family Tradition: Unwanted Gifts Family Tradition: Turkey Dinner Christmas Duck! Bumpuses Dog Spotting #1 "It's a Major Award!" I Triple Dog Dare You! Little Orphan Annie Anti-Bully “Say Uncle!” #2 Santa's not-so- jolly Elves Bumpuses Dog Spotting #2 Name Calling “It was soap poisoning!” Red Ryder BB Gun Ralphie bullying Randy Santa bullying Ralphie Inappropr. Language Be Sure to Drink Your Ovaltine! Family Tradition: Picking the tree! Peer Pressure Lick the Flagpole! “You’ll shoot your eye out!” Holy Cow, it's the fire department! Fra- gee-lay Anti-Bully "Say Uncle!" #1 "It's a clinker!" Family Tradition: Unwanted Gifts Family Tradition: Turkey Dinner Christmas Duck! Bumpuses Dog Spotting #1 "It's a Major Award!" I Triple Dog Dare You! Little Orphan Annie Anti-Bully “Say Uncle!” #2 Santa's not-so- jolly Elves Bumpuses Dog Spotting #2 Name Calling “It was soap poisoning!” Red Ryder BB Gun Ralphie bullying Randy
(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.
B-Santa bullying Ralphie
I-Inappropr. Language
N-Be Sure to Drink Your Ovaltine!
N-Family Tradition: Picking the tree!
I-Peer Pressure
Lick the Flagpole!
G-“You’ll shoot your eye out!”
I-Holy Cow, it's the fire department!
"Say Uncle!" #1
O-"It's a clinker!"
B-Family Tradition: Unwanted Gifts
O-Family Tradition: Turkey Dinner
G-Christmas Duck!
G-Bumpuses Dog Spotting #1
B-"It's a Major Award!"
N-I Triple Dog Dare You!
O-Little Orphan Annie
G-Anti-Bully “Say Uncle!” #2
N-Santa's not-so-jolly Elves
G-Bumpuses Dog Spotting #2
O-Name Calling
I-“It was soap poisoning!”
O-Red Ryder BB Gun
B-Ralphie bullying Randy