short forbinary digit, isthe smallestunit of data ina computer.a unit of digitalinformation used tomeasure data. It isknown as thefundamental unit ofmeasurement for alldata storage ORcomputer memory.set of programmingstatements or theinstructions that acomputer processorhandles as a systemof communication.the number ofsearch engineresults for aspecific queryOR questionwithin a search.a program or set ofinstructions that tells acomputer what to doand includesapplications and systemsoftware like operatingsystems, drivers, program ora device thatprovides functionalityfor other programsor devices, called"clients."office suite ofapplications,servers, andservicesdeveloped by asoftware company.the globalcommunication networkthat allows almost allcomputers worldwide toconnect and exchangeinformation.the physicalmachinery anddevices thatmake up acomputersystem.a list of instructionsgiven by a tutor to anindividual or a verysmall group. Can bedisplayed in paper,audio, or a softwareapplication forretrieving,presenting, andtraversinginformationresources on theWorld Wide Web.a standard for theshort-range wirelessinterconnection ofmobile phones,computers, andother electronicdevices.manages thecomputer'smemory andprocesses, as wellas all of itssoftware andhardware.a system ofcomputers that arejoined together sothat they cancommunicate byexchanginginformation andsharing electronic link whichis embedded within animage or text thatallows a computer userto move directly from amarked place toanother document orweb page.the practice of using anetwork of remoteservers hosted on theInternet to store,manage, and processdata, rather than a localserver or a personalcomputer.short forbinary digit, isthe smallestunit of data ina computer.a unit of digitalinformation used tomeasure data. It isknown as thefundamental unit ofmeasurement for alldata storage ORcomputer memory.set of programmingstatements or theinstructions that acomputer processorhandles as a systemof communication.the number ofsearch engineresults for aspecific queryOR questionwithin a search.a program or set ofinstructions that tells acomputer what to doand includesapplications and systemsoftware like operatingsystems, drivers, program ora device thatprovides functionalityfor other programsor devices, called"clients."office suite ofapplications,servers, andservicesdeveloped by asoftware company.the globalcommunication networkthat allows almost allcomputers worldwide toconnect and exchangeinformation.the physicalmachinery anddevices thatmake up acomputersystem.a list of instructionsgiven by a tutor to anindividual or a verysmall group. Can bedisplayed in paper,audio, or a softwareapplication forretrieving,presenting, andtraversinginformationresources on theWorld Wide Web.a standard for theshort-range wirelessinterconnection ofmobile phones,computers, andother electronicdevices.manages thecomputer'smemory andprocesses, as wellas all of itssoftware andhardware.a system ofcomputers that arejoined together sothat they cancommunicate byexchanginginformation andsharing electronic link whichis embedded within animage or text thatallows a computer userto move directly from amarked place toanother document orweb page.the practice of using anetwork of remoteservers hosted on theInternet to store,manage, and processdata, rather than a localserver or a personalcomputer.

Technology Terms - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.