I playsoccer.I playedhockey withNHL playerson a regularbasis.I set mykitchen onfire at theage of 14.I've never hada cup of coffeein my life butam a heavymilk drinker.I keepa diary.I was amemberof Actra.Dream is to be onSaturday Night Liveto impersonate acelebrity and/or beon Broadway (eitheris good for me!).I amallergic to cinnamon.I had my own computersoftware company inthe 80s, calledIntellibyte.  We built andsold educational gamesfor the TRS-80 made byRadio Shack.I lived inthe US for18 years.Was flying to avacation in SouthKorea but ended-up spending hisvacation inHawaii.One of myhobbies is tobuild high-end RC cars.I am anintrovert.I do notsleepbefore1:30AM.Was on the firstorganizingcommittee for theMuscularDystrophy’s Torontochair awarechallenge in 2009.I sometimesindulge in icecold vodkaand rippledchips.I cycled inBurgundy withGrand Echezeauxwine (grand-cru)in my waterbottles (had 2 ofthem).I climbedthe CholaPass inNepal.I was an avid comicbook collector back inmy early-mid teens,and I remain a closetArchie comic book fanand reader today.I havea 10 "tattoo.The last timeI had ahamburgerwas in 1994.Started my career inAerospace and knowmore about theweakest points in aplane then I wish Iknew.I have aseriousphobia ofbuses.I was heavilyinvolved instudent politicsuntil I gotdeath threats.I playsoccer.I playedhockey withNHL playerson a regularbasis.I set mykitchen onfire at theage of 14.I've never hada cup of coffeein my life butam a heavymilk drinker.I keepa diary.I was amemberof Actra.Dream is to be onSaturday Night Liveto impersonate acelebrity and/or beon Broadway (eitheris good for me!).I amallergic to cinnamon.I had my own computersoftware company inthe 80s, calledIntellibyte.  We built andsold educational gamesfor the TRS-80 made byRadio Shack.I lived inthe US for18 years.Was flying to avacation in SouthKorea but ended-up spending hisvacation inHawaii.One of myhobbies is tobuild high-end RC cars.I am anintrovert.I do notsleepbefore1:30AM.Was on the firstorganizingcommittee for theMuscularDystrophy’s Torontochair awarechallenge in 2009.I sometimesindulge in icecold vodkaand rippledchips.I cycled inBurgundy withGrand Echezeauxwine (grand-cru)in my waterbottles (had 2 ofthem).I climbedthe CholaPass inNepal.I was an avid comicbook collector back inmy early-mid teens,and I remain a closetArchie comic book fanand reader today.I havea 10 "tattoo.The last timeI had ahamburgerwas in 1994.Started my career inAerospace and knowmore about theweakest points in aplane then I wish Iknew.I have aseriousphobia ofbuses.I was heavilyinvolved instudent politicsuntil I gotdeath threats.

Leadership offsite - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. I play soccer.
  2. I played hockey with NHL players on a regular basis.
  3. I set my kitchen on fire at the age of 14.
  4. I've never had a cup of coffee in my life but am a heavy milk drinker.
  5. I keep a diary.
  6. I was a member of Actra.
  7. Dream is to be on Saturday Night Live to impersonate a celebrity and/or be on Broadway (either is good for me!).
  8. I am allergic to cinnamon.
  9. I had my own computer software company in the 80s, called Intellibyte.  We built and sold educational games for the TRS-80 made by Radio Shack.
  10. I lived in the US for 18 years.
  11. Was flying to a vacation in South Korea but ended-up spending his vacation in Hawaii.
  12. One of my hobbies is to build high-end RC cars.
  13. I am an introvert.
  14. I do not sleep before 1:30AM.
  15. Was on the first organizing committee for the Muscular Dystrophy’s Toronto chair aware challenge in 2009.
  16. I sometimes indulge in ice cold vodka and rippled chips.
  17. I cycled in Burgundy with Grand Echezeaux wine (grand-cru) in my water bottles (had 2 of them).
  18. I climbed the Chola Pass in Nepal.
  19. I was an avid comic book collector back in my early-mid teens, and I remain a closet Archie comic book fan and reader today.
  20. I have a 10 " tattoo.
  21. The last time I had a hamburger was in 1994.
  22. Started my career in Aerospace and know more about the weakest points in a plane then I wish I knew.
  23. I have a serious phobia of buses.
  24. I was heavily involved in student politics until I got death threats.