25 or moreAll Stars areonline at asingle time.20 different userseach consecutivelypost the currentreigning SNEFemote in #memeswithout interruption.7 users$draw anAce ofSpades in#casino.A Heatherlevels up to AllStar status (lvl.35 withinBianca'sleaderboard).Someone (otherthan Miss Hola)plays ?trivia in#bot_gaymes andgets a personalscore of 10 in fiveseparate triviacategories.One originaldrawing is postedin #art for each ofthe 9 confirmedAS3 contestants.Sasha Velour(HaikuBot) doesn'tdetect anaccidental haikufor 5 hours (usethe search bar fortimestamps).?Bebe Z. Benet(RedTrivia Bot)goes offline (sheonly appears in#bot_gaymes &#voice_chat_text).Someone beatsanother user ina $rollduel 5times in a rowin #casino.25 userslevel up ina 24 hourperiod.One user beats RuBotin Rock PaperScissors ($rps[rock/paper/scissors])5 times in a row in#bot_gaymes.Two All Starslevel up to lvl.50 withinBianca'sleaderboard.None ofthe staffare online.Someone betflips($bf [h/t]) all oftheir Ninas 5 timesconsecutively andwins each time in#casino.One user postsa different selfiein #selfie everyhour on thehour for 12hours straight.A Queen or aHeathertakes the topspot in#casino.10 completelynew users jointhe server in a24 hour period.Rejoins do notcount.Chris finallyfinishestranslatingThe SwitchEpisode 3.Someone betsexactly 123,456Ninas in a $race(consisting of atleast 2 otherusers) and wins in#casinoA Heatherlevels up to AllStars status (lvl.35 withinBianca'sleaderboard).Someonecollectsexactly123,456 Ninasin one $pick.All 11members ofstaff areonline at thesame time.15 peopleare in oneVC at onetime.Someone gets anexact WPM scoreof 75 at the typingcontest ($typestartin #bot_gaymes).25 or moreAll Stars areonline at asingle time.20 different userseach consecutivelypost the currentreigning SNEFemote in #memeswithout interruption.7 users$draw anAce ofSpades in#casino.A Heatherlevels up to AllStar status (lvl.35 withinBianca'sleaderboard).Someone (otherthan Miss Hola)plays ?trivia in#bot_gaymes andgets a personalscore of 10 in fiveseparate triviacategories.One originaldrawing is postedin #art for each ofthe 9 confirmedAS3 contestants.Sasha Velour(HaikuBot) doesn'tdetect anaccidental haikufor 5 hours (usethe search bar fortimestamps).?Bebe Z. Benet(RedTrivia Bot)goes offline (sheonly appears in#bot_gaymes &#voice_chat_text).Someone beatsanother user ina $rollduel 5times in a rowin #casino.25 userslevel up ina 24 hourperiod.One user beats RuBotin Rock PaperScissors ($rps[rock/paper/scissors])5 times in a row in#bot_gaymes.Two All Starslevel up to lvl.50 withinBianca'sleaderboard.None ofthe staffare online.Someone betflips($bf [h/t]) all oftheir Ninas 5 timesconsecutively andwins each time in#casino.One user postsa different selfiein #selfie everyhour on thehour for 12hours straight.A Queen or aHeathertakes the topspot in#casino.10 completelynew users jointhe server in a24 hour period.Rejoins do notcount.Chris finallyfinishestranslatingThe SwitchEpisode 3.Someone betsexactly 123,456Ninas in a $race(consisting of atleast 2 otherusers) and wins in#casinoA Heatherlevels up to AllStars status (lvl.35 withinBianca'sleaderboard).Someonecollectsexactly123,456 Ninasin one $pick.All 11members ofstaff areonline at thesame time.15 peopleare in oneVC at onetime.Someone gets anexact WPM scoreof 75 at the typingcontest ($typestartin #bot_gaymes).

RuPaul’s Drag Race/Dragula Discord v 12.17 - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. 25 or more All Stars are online at a single time.
  2. 20 different users each consecutively post the current reigning SNEF emote in #memes without interruption.
  3. 7 users $draw an Ace of Spades in #casino.
  4. A Heather levels up to All Star status (lvl. 35 within Bianca's leaderboard).
  5. Someone (other than Miss Hola) plays ?trivia in #bot_gaymes and gets a personal score of 10 in five separate trivia categories.
  6. One original drawing is posted in #art for each of the 9 confirmed AS3 contestants.
  7. Sasha Velour (HaikuBot) doesn't detect an accidental haiku for 5 hours (use the search bar for timestamps).
  8. ?Bebe Z. Benet (RedTrivia Bot) goes offline (she only appears in #bot_gaymes & #voice_chat_text).
  9. Someone beats another user in a $rollduel 5 times in a row in #casino.
  10. 25 users level up in a 24 hour period.
  11. One user beats RuBot in Rock Paper Scissors ($rps [rock/paper/scissors]) 5 times in a row in #bot_gaymes.
  12. Two All Stars level up to lvl. 50 within Bianca's leaderboard.
  13. None of the staff are online.
  14. Someone betflips ($bf [h/t]) all of their Ninas 5 times consecutively and wins each time in #casino.
  15. One user posts a different selfie in #selfie every hour on the hour for 12 hours straight.
  16. A Queen or a Heather takes the top spot in #casino.
  17. 10 completely new users join the server in a 24 hour period. Rejoins do not count.
  18. Chris finally finishes translating The Switch Episode 3.
  19. Someone bets exactly 123,456 Ninas in a $race (consisting of at least 2 other users) and wins in #casino
  20. A Heather levels up to All Stars status (lvl. 35 within Bianca's leaderboard).
  21. Someone collects exactly 123,456 Ninas in one $pick.
  22. All 11 members of staff are online at the same time.
  23. 15 people are in one VC at one time.
  24. Someone gets an exact WPM score of 75 at the typing contest ($typestart in #bot_gaymes).