ReligiousDiscussionExchangeglances withan equallyuncomfortablesibling/cousinRelative isclearlyintoxicatedOne of yourfamilygatheringsturns out to bepleasant andunproblematicSomeoneaccidentallycurses in frontof a youngerfamily memberThe word“millennials”is utteredwith disdainTake refugeby playingwith thehouse petAn elderly relativebrings up theirimpendingmortality and itreally just kills thevibeSomething,something“only 2genders”Problematicdecorations/trinketsin a relative’s houseA Hallmark™️holiday movieplays despiteno one in theroom havingany interest in itYou’re treatedas tech supportby virtue ofbeing under theage of 30The WaronChristmasReceive anunderwhelmingpresent in thegift exchangePoliticsYou have tohug the onefamily memberwho you’dreally rather notBelittlingcommentsabout yourfield of studyor vocationExcuseyourself to therestroom toget away for amomentSnapchatyour friendsto share ineach other’spainEmbarrassingchildhoodstory gets toldfor the Nthtime”Do you have aboyfriend/girlfriendyet?”CasualRacism”I’m nothomophobic BUT Idon’t want themforcing theirlifestyle on us.Think of thechildren!”FOX Newsplaying onat leastone TVReligiousDiscussionExchangeglances withan equallyuncomfortablesibling/cousinRelative isclearlyintoxicatedOne of yourfamilygatheringsturns out to bepleasant andunproblematicSomeoneaccidentallycurses in frontof a youngerfamily memberThe word“millennials”is utteredwith disdainTake refugeby playingwith thehouse petAn elderly relativebrings up theirimpendingmortality and itreally just kills thevibeSomething,something“only 2genders”Problematicdecorations/trinketsin a relative’s houseA Hallmark™️holiday movieplays despiteno one in theroom havingany interest in itYou’re treatedas tech supportby virtue ofbeing under theage of 30The WaronChristmasReceive anunderwhelmingpresent in thegift exchangePoliticsYou have tohug the onefamily memberwho you’dreally rather notBelittlingcommentsabout yourfield of studyor vocationExcuseyourself to therestroom toget away for amomentSnapchatyour friendsto share ineach other’spainEmbarrassingchildhoodstory gets toldfor the Nthtime”Do you have aboyfriend/girlfriendyet?”CasualRacism”I’m nothomophobic BUT Idon’t want themforcing theirlifestyle on us.Think of thechildren!”FOX Newsplaying onat leastone TV

Uncomfortable Holiday Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Religious Discussion
  2. Exchange glances with an equally uncomfortable sibling/cousin
  3. Relative is clearly intoxicated
  4. One of your family gatherings turns out to be pleasant and unproblematic
  5. Someone accidentally curses in front of a younger family member
  6. The word “millennials” is uttered with disdain
  7. Take refuge by playing with the house pet
  8. An elderly relative brings up their impending mortality and it really just kills the vibe
  9. Something, something “only 2 genders”
  10. Problematic decorations/trinkets in a relative’s house
  11. A Hallmark™️ holiday movie plays despite no one in the room having any interest in it
  12. You’re treated as tech support by virtue of being under the age of 30
  13. The War on Christmas
  14. Receive an underwhelming present in the gift exchange
  15. Politics
  16. You have to hug the one family member who you’d really rather not
  17. Belittling comments about your field of study or vocation
  18. Excuse yourself to the restroom to get away for a moment
  19. Snapchat your friends to share in each other’s pain
  20. Embarrassing childhood story gets told for the Nth time
  21. ”Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend yet?”
  22. Casual Racism
  23. ”I’m not homophobic BUT I don’t want them forcing their lifestyle on us. Think of the children!”
  24. FOX News playing on at least one TV