a continuousdirectedmovementof seawater.The weatherconditions of alocation over aperiod of timeLowpressure,warmoceans,moist airWinds thatchangefrequently,occur low to theground, and areunpredictableThe conditionsof theatmosphere ata given timeAssociatedwith clear,cool, niceweatherBlows to thesea from theland,happens atnightOcean currentthat bringswarm moistweather upthe East coastStream of air thatflows from west toeast across theUS, air above iscold, air below iswarmA cooling of thePacific ocean dueto weak tradewinds, floodsoccur, good forfishing, manyhurricanesBlows to the landfrom the sea,brings cooler air tobeach, happensduring the dayAssociatedwith lousy,rainy, cloudy,warm weatherWinds that blowfrom west toeast across theUnited States.They bring theweather to NC.A warming of thePacific ocean dueto weak tradewinds, droughtsoccur, fish have tomove, not manyhurricanesWinds that arehigh in theatmosphere,are predictableand constantFree!a continuousdirectedmovementof seawater.The weatherconditions of alocation over aperiod of timeLowpressure,warmoceans,moist airWinds thatchangefrequently,occur low to theground, and areunpredictableThe conditionsof theatmosphere ata given timeAssociatedwith clear,cool, niceweatherBlows to thesea from theland,happens atnightOcean currentthat bringswarm moistweather upthe East coastStream of air thatflows from west toeast across theUS, air above iscold, air below iswarmA cooling of thePacific ocean dueto weak tradewinds, floodsoccur, good forfishing, manyhurricanesBlows to the landfrom the sea,brings cooler air tobeach, happensduring the dayAssociatedwith lousy,rainy, cloudy,warm weatherWinds that blowfrom west toeast across theUnited States.They bring theweather to NC.A warming of thePacific ocean dueto weak tradewinds, droughtsoccur, fish have tomove, not manyhurricanesWinds that arehigh in theatmosphere,are predictableand constantFree!

Weather Cards - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. a continuous directed movement of seawater.
  2. The weather conditions of a location over a period of time
  3. Low pressure, warm oceans, moist air
  4. Winds that change frequently, occur low to the ground, and are unpredictable
  5. The conditions of the atmosphere at a given time
  6. Associated with clear, cool, nice weather
  7. Blows to the sea from the land, happens at night
  8. Ocean current that brings warm moist weather up the East coast
  9. Stream of air that flows from west to east across the US, air above is cold, air below is warm
  10. A cooling of the Pacific ocean due to weak trade winds, floods occur, good for fishing, many hurricanes
  11. Blows to the land from the sea, brings cooler air to beach, happens during the day
  12. Associated with lousy, rainy, cloudy, warm weather
  13. Winds that blow from west to east across the United States. They bring the weather to NC.
  14. A warming of the Pacific ocean due to weak trade winds, droughts occur, fish have to move, not many hurricanes
  15. Winds that are high in the atmosphere, are predictable and constant
  16. Free!