Applied for a personal loan? Keep records of purchases? Applied for a scholarship? Read the fine print before signing? Heard of the envelope system? Know your credit score? Use an ATM? Have a Savings Account? Applied for a car loan? Use Coupons? Check your bank statements monthly? Save for big purchases? Know your expense to income ratio? Pin and Passwords in a safe place? make your own lunches? Invest in a 401k plan? Heard of second chance banking? Have a coin jar? Have a credit card ? Have a Bank Account? Do you keep your tax records? Meal Plan? Know all your fees? Use a budget tracking method? Applied for a personal loan? Keep records of purchases? Applied for a scholarship? Read the fine print before signing? Heard of the envelope system? Know your credit score? Use an ATM? Have a Savings Account? Applied for a car loan? Use Coupons? Check your bank statements monthly? Save for big purchases? Know your expense to income ratio? Pin and Passwords in a safe place? make your own lunches? Invest in a 401k plan? Heard of second chance banking? Have a coin jar? Have a credit card ? Have a Bank Account? Do you keep your tax records? Meal Plan? Know all your fees? Use a budget tracking method?
(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.
Applied for a personal loan?
Keep records of purchases?
Applied for a scholarship?
Read the fine print before signing?
Heard of the envelope system?
Know your credit score?
Use an ATM?
Have a Savings Account?
Applied for a car loan?
Use Coupons?
Check your bank statements monthly?
Save for big purchases?
Know your expense to income ratio?
Pin and Passwords in a safe place?
make your own lunches?
Invest in a 401k plan?
Heard of second chance banking?
Have a coin jar?
Have a credit card
Have a Bank Account?
Do you keep your tax records?
Meal Plan?
Know all your fees?
Use a budget tracking method?