Has been inan airplaneand tell themyour favoritefoodHas a dog andtell them onething you wouldchange aboutyourself if youcouldCan name fivedisciples andgive them agenuinecomplimentIs wearingsomething redand finish thissentence:Church is like ajet because....Had cerealfor breakfastand recite aBible verse tothemHas adriver'slicense andshare yourbest talentWearsglasses andtell them yourfavorite BiblecharacterHas a little brotherand tell them youwould answer thequestion, "How doyou know God isreal?"Wearsglasses andtell them yourfavorite BiblecharacterHas braided ortwisted hair andsay "hello" in alanguage otherthan EnglishIs wearing awatch and tellthem fiveanimals thatwere on the ArkOwns askateboard andtake a real orpretend selfiewith themAttends/Attendeda school whosename begins withU, P, or H andshare the name ofyour fave teacherPlays a musicalinstrument andhave a "seewho can holdtheir breath thelongest" contestHas ever beenin the hospitaland tell themyour favoritecolorIs afraid ofheights and tellthem about thelast time youhelpedsomeoneAttendedSabbath Schooltoday and tellthem yourfavorite GospelsongSwam in anocean andshow themone silly trickyou can doIs left-handedand tell themone thing youlove about theSabbathFree!Has been inan airplaneand tell themyour favoritefoodHas a dog andtell them onething you wouldchange aboutyourself if youcouldCan name fivedisciples andgive them agenuinecomplimentIs wearingsomething redand finish thissentence:Church is like ajet because....Had cerealfor breakfastand recite aBible verse tothemHas adriver'slicense andshare yourbest talentWearsglasses andtell them yourfavorite BiblecharacterHas a little brotherand tell them youwould answer thequestion, "How doyou know God isreal?"Wearsglasses andtell them yourfavorite BiblecharacterHas braided ortwisted hair andsay "hello" in alanguage otherthan EnglishIs wearing awatch and tellthem fiveanimals thatwere on the ArkOwns askateboard andtake a real orpretend selfiewith themAttends/Attendeda school whosename begins withU, P, or H andshare the name ofyour fave teacherPlays a musicalinstrument andhave a "seewho can holdtheir breath thelongest" contestHas ever beenin the hospitaland tell themyour favoritecolorIs afraid ofheights and tellthem about thelast time youhelpedsomeoneAttendedSabbath Schooltoday and tellthem yourfavorite GospelsongSwam in anocean andshow themone silly trickyou can doIs left-handedand tell themone thing youlove about theSabbathFree!

Find a Friend Who... - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Has been in an airplane and tell them your favorite food
  2. Has a dog and tell them one thing you would change about yourself if you could
  3. Can name five disciples and give them a genuine compliment
  4. Is wearing something red and finish this sentence: Church is like a jet because....
  5. Had cereal for breakfast and recite a Bible verse to them
  6. Has a driver's license and share your best talent
  7. Wears glasses and tell them your favorite Bible character
  8. Has a little brother and tell them you would answer the question, "How do you know God is real?"
  9. Wears glasses and tell them your favorite Bible character
  10. Has braided or twisted hair and say "hello" in a language other than English
  11. Is wearing a watch and tell them five animals that were on the Ark
  12. Owns a skateboard and take a real or pretend selfie with them
  13. Attends/Attended a school whose name begins with U, P, or H and share the name of your fave teacher
  14. Plays a musical instrument and have a "see who can hold their breath the longest" contest
  15. Has ever been in the hospital and tell them your favorite color
  16. Is afraid of heights and tell them about the last time you helped someone
  17. Attended Sabbath School today and tell them your favorite Gospel song
  18. Swam in an ocean and show them one silly trick you can do
  19. Is left-handed and tell them one thing you love about the Sabbath
  20. Free!