“Other peoplebragging about[thing that’s literallyan ASPD/NPDsymptom] skeevesme out :(““Your mentalillness isn’t anexcuse to be sh i t t y”You often say“Guess I’ll diethen” after youread theirpostsPuts “!!”, “:)”, andassorted “cute”emojis at the endof every sentencein one of theirawful posts“IM GONNACRACK DOWNON ALL TOXICPPL” *hasn’tspotted youyet*Starts dramawith your IRLsand demandsyou step in bytagging you incommentsClaims to be socompassionatebut uses s- & p-slurs and“narcissist” asderogatory termsDoesn’t understandthat there’s adifference between“problematic/abusive”and “this annoys me”Everythingabout theironlinepresence isreally offputtingWants to decidewhat constitutesacceptablebehavior inrelationships theyaren’t inWords their “callsto accuntability” ascutesy as possiblefor some weirdreasonYou find yourselfrolling your eyesevery time theycriticize you,whether it’s openlyor notMakes youself crit justbecausethey canShoves self-awarenessdown yourthroatYou regretadding thembut don’t careenough tounfriend“You need toconstantlycheckyourself”“I supporttraumatized peopleuwu” *5 secs later*“YOUR TRAUMAISNT AN EXCUSETO BREATHE ONME WRONG”Somehowalways uses theworst emojis atthe worstpossible timesImplies pre-recovery peopledon’t deservelove and/orfriendshipHasanimeprofilepictureYou literallycannot even hintthey’re beingableist to youwithout themgetting defensive“It can be anexplanation”*shames youfor using it asan explanation*Makespreachystatuses abouthow people“should” actThinkseverything theaccuntablepart of twittersays is gospel“Other peoplebragging about[thing that’s literallyan ASPD/NPDsymptom] skeevesme out :(““Your mentalillness isn’t anexcuse to be sh i t t y”You often say“Guess I’ll diethen” after youread theirpostsPuts “!!”, “:)”, andassorted “cute”emojis at the endof every sentencein one of theirawful posts“IM GONNACRACK DOWNON ALL TOXICPPL” *hasn’tspotted youyet*Starts dramawith your IRLsand demandsyou step in bytagging you incommentsClaims to be socompassionatebut uses s- & p-slurs and“narcissist” asderogatory termsDoesn’t understandthat there’s adifference between“problematic/abusive”and “this annoys me”Everythingabout theironlinepresence isreally offputtingWants to decidewhat constitutesacceptablebehavior inrelationships theyaren’t inWords their “callsto accuntability” ascutesy as possiblefor some weirdreasonYou find yourselfrolling your eyesevery time theycriticize you,whether it’s openlyor notMakes youself crit justbecausethey canShoves self-awarenessdown yourthroatYou regretadding thembut don’t careenough tounfriend“You need toconstantlycheckyourself”“I supporttraumatized peopleuwu” *5 secs later*“YOUR TRAUMAISNT AN EXCUSETO BREATHE ONME WRONG”Somehowalways uses theworst emojis atthe worstpossible timesImplies pre-recovery peopledon’t deservelove and/orfriendshipHasanimeprofilepictureYou literallycannot even hintthey’re beingableist to youwithout themgetting defensive“It can be anexplanation”*shames youfor using it asan explanation*Makespreachystatuses abouthow people“should” actThinkseverything theaccuntablepart of twittersays is gospel

Accuntable Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. “Other people bragging about [thing that’s literally an ASPD/NPD symptom] skeeves me out :(“
  2. “Your mental illness isn’t an excuse to be s h i t t y”
  3. You often say “Guess I’ll die then” after you read their posts
  4. Puts “!!”, “:)”, and assorted “cute” emojis at the end of every sentence in one of their awful posts
  5. “IM GONNA CRACK DOWN ON ALL TOXIC PPL” *hasn’t spotted you yet*
  6. Starts drama with your IRLs and demands you step in by tagging you in comments
  7. Claims to be so compassionate but uses s- & p-slurs and “narcissist” as derogatory terms
  8. Doesn’t understand that there’s a difference between “problematic/abusive” and “this annoys me”
  9. Everything about their online presence is really offputting
  10. Wants to decide what constitutes acceptable behavior in relationships they aren’t in
  11. Words their “calls to accuntability” as cutesy as possible for some weird reason
  12. You find yourself rolling your eyes every time they criticize you, whether it’s openly or not
  13. Makes you self crit just because they can
  14. Shoves self-awareness down your throat
  15. You regret adding them but don’t care enough to unfriend
  16. “You need to constantly check yourself”
  17. “I support traumatized people uwu” *5 secs later* “YOUR TRAUMA ISNT AN EXCUSE TO BREATHE ON ME WRONG”
  18. Somehow always uses the worst emojis at the worst possible times
  19. Implies pre-recovery people don’t deserve love and/or friendship
  20. Has anime profile picture
  21. You literally cannot even hint they’re being ableist to you without them getting defensive
  22. “It can be an explanation” *shames you for using it as an explanation*
  23. Makes preachy statuses about how people “should” act
  24. Thinks everything the accuntable part of twitter says is gospel