crashing before T1 people getting kicked of the server >50% of the grid doesn't make it If you don't go for the gap...... ITS FLIP MARKO DAY FERRARIIIII J turns intensifies Cutting chicanes all brake markers getting taken out "my brake pedal feels a bit soft guys" netcode shenanigans 290 Kph IN TO THE GRANDSTANDS IM GOING THE WRONG WAY >forgetting to put fuel from qualifying someone getting more than 17x T1 pileup 2:00+ laptime(s) RESTART backmarker crashing the leaders "whats the key for FFB reset guys?" running out of fuel >i don't have the lights binned up Toaster crashing in nighttime crashing before T1 people getting kicked of the server >50% of the grid doesn't make it If you don't go for the gap...... ITS FLIP MARKO DAY FERRARIIIII J turns intensifies Cutting chicanes all brake markers getting taken out "my brake pedal feels a bit soft guys" netcode shenanigans 290 Kph IN TO THE GRANDSTANDS IM GOING THE WRONG WAY >forgetting to put fuel from qualifying someone getting more than 17x T1 pileup 2:00+ laptime(s) RESTART backmarker crashing the leaders "whats the key for FFB reset guys?" running out of fuel >i don't have the lights binned up Toaster crashing in nighttime
(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.
crashing before T1
people getting kicked of the server
>50% of the grid doesn't make it
If you don't go for the gap......
J turns intensifies
Cutting chicanes
all brake markers getting taken out
"my brake pedal feels a bit soft guys"
netcode shenanigans
290 Kph
>forgetting to put fuel from qualifying
someone getting more than 17x
T1 pileup
backmarker crashing the leaders
"whats the key for FFB reset guys?"
running out of fuel
>i don't have the lights binned up
Toaster crashing in nighttime