Use pictures andwords to create aflowchart showingthe changes intransportationthrough the years inNC.Draw a timelineshowing thedates changeswere made tothe NCconstitution.Create a chartshowing thedifferences betweenthe rights andresponsibilities of thecitizens of NC.Create atimelineshowing howNorth Carolinawasestablished.Do some research onthe economy of NC.What are the majorproducts that bringfunding into our state?Who are theseproducts purchasedby?Draw pictures andwrite captions underthe pictures,showing a "day inthe life" of anindigenous AmericanIndian group in NC.Draw a timelineshowing majorchanges that haveoccurred in NCsince it receivedit's statehood.Draw a picture ofNorth Carolina's statesymbol. Write asummary about whatthe symbol meansand why this is animportant part of ourhistory.Choose onecommunity in ourstate. Research thatcommunity andsummarize thechanges that havetaken place in thatcommunity.Recreate through anyart medium animportant piece of NCart. Explain how this artpiece expresses theculture and heritage ofthe group who createdit.Create a timelineshowing thepopulation growthof NC from it'sbeginningsthrough today.Make a timeline ofdates importanttechnology wasintroduced in NC.Briefly explain thechanges the technologybrought about belowthe descriptions.Choose threemajor industriesin NC. Describetheir impact onthe state as awhole.Research three citynames in the state ofNC. Why was thisplace named what itwas and whatconnection does thename have to ourhistory?You want to start a smallbusiness, and live in theOuter Banks of NC.Research this area anddecide what kind ofbusiness you could openand explain why you feelthis would be a neededand profitable business.Choose a majorconflict thatoccurred in NC.Summarize theconflict from it'sbeginning to it'send.Find and printpictures of threeimportantmonuments in NC.Summarize thepurpose andimportance of eachmonument.Create a chartshowing the variouspeoples who settledin NC. On the chart,show how theirarrival affected theculture of NC.Compare andContrast using aVenn Diagram, thesimilariteis anddifferences betweenthe NC's governmentand localgovernment.Your friend is coming tovisit NC, but they needyour help. They want tovisit the most importantstatues and monumentswhile they are here. Listthree places you will takethem, and what importantpiece of history they canview there.Work with a peer todraw a picture of one ofthe symbols of NC.Write a report about thesymbol explaining whyit was chosen as a statesymbol and what itmeans.What impact orcontributions has NCmade to the world?Make a collage of thegreat things NC hasprovided to the UnitedStates and globally.Choose one of NC'snatural resources, andprint a picture. Explainwhat impact humanactivity has had onthis natural resource.Create a flowchart showing thecultural changesof the indigenousIndian Groups inNorth Carolina.Use pictures andwords to create aflowchart showingthe changes intransportationthrough the years inNC.Draw a timelineshowing thedates changeswere made tothe NCconstitution.Create a chartshowing thedifferences betweenthe rights andresponsibilities of thecitizens of NC.Create atimelineshowing howNorth Carolinawasestablished.Do some research onthe economy of NC.What are the majorproducts that bringfunding into our state?Who are theseproducts purchasedby?Draw pictures andwrite captions underthe pictures,showing a "day inthe life" of anindigenous AmericanIndian group in NC.Draw a timelineshowing majorchanges that haveoccurred in NCsince it receivedit's statehood.Draw a picture ofNorth Carolina's statesymbol. Write asummary about whatthe symbol meansand why this is animportant part of ourhistory.Choose onecommunity in ourstate. Research thatcommunity andsummarize thechanges that havetaken place in thatcommunity.Recreate through anyart medium animportant piece of NCart. Explain how this artpiece expresses theculture and heritage ofthe group who createdit.Create a timelineshowing thepopulation growthof NC from it'sbeginningsthrough today.Make a timeline ofdates importanttechnology wasintroduced in NC.Briefly explain thechanges the technologybrought about belowthe descriptions.Choose threemajor industriesin NC. Describetheir impact onthe state as awhole.Research three citynames in the state ofNC. Why was thisplace named what itwas and whatconnection does thename have to ourhistory?You want to start a smallbusiness, and live in theOuter Banks of NC.Research this area anddecide what kind ofbusiness you could openand explain why you feelthis would be a neededand profitable business.Choose a majorconflict thatoccurred in NC.Summarize theconflict from it'sbeginning to it'send.Find and printpictures of threeimportantmonuments in NC.Summarize thepurpose andimportance of eachmonument.Create a chartshowing the variouspeoples who settledin NC. On the chart,show how theirarrival affected theculture of NC.Compare andContrast using aVenn Diagram, thesimilariteis anddifferences betweenthe NC's governmentand localgovernment.Your friend is coming tovisit NC, but they needyour help. They want tovisit the most importantstatues and monumentswhile they are here. Listthree places you will takethem, and what importantpiece of history they canview there.Work with a peer todraw a picture of one ofthe symbols of NC.Write a report about thesymbol explaining whyit was chosen as a statesymbol and what itmeans.What impact orcontributions has NCmade to the world?Make a collage of thegreat things NC hasprovided to the UnitedStates and globally.Choose one of NC'snatural resources, andprint a picture. Explainwhat impact humanactivity has had onthis natural resource.Create a flowchart showing thecultural changesof the indigenousIndian Groups inNorth Carolina.

North Carolina History EOG Review - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Use pictures and words to create a flowchart showing the changes in transportation through the years in NC.
  2. Draw a timeline showing the dates changes were made to the NC constitution.
  3. Create a chart showing the differences between the rights and responsibilities of the citizens of NC.
  4. Create a timeline showing how North Carolina was established.
  5. Do some research on the economy of NC. What are the major products that bring funding into our state? Who are these products purchased by?
  6. Draw pictures and write captions under the pictures, showing a "day in the life" of an indigenous American Indian group in NC.
  7. Draw a timeline showing major changes that have occurred in NC since it received it's statehood.
  8. Draw a picture of North Carolina's state symbol. Write a summary about what the symbol means and why this is an important part of our history.
  9. Choose one community in our state. Research that community and summarize the changes that have taken place in that community.
  10. Recreate through any art medium an important piece of NC art. Explain how this art piece expresses the culture and heritage of the group who created it.
  11. Create a timeline showing the population growth of NC from it's beginnings through today.
  12. Make a timeline of dates important technology was introduced in NC. Briefly explain the changes the technology brought about below the descriptions.
  13. Choose three major industries in NC. Describe their impact on the state as a whole.
  14. Research three city names in the state of NC. Why was this place named what it was and what connection does the name have to our history?
  15. You want to start a small business, and live in the Outer Banks of NC. Research this area and decide what kind of business you could open and explain why you feel this would be a needed and profitable business.
  16. Choose a major conflict that occurred in NC. Summarize the conflict from it's beginning to it's end.
  17. Find and print pictures of three important monuments in NC. Summarize the purpose and importance of each monument.
  18. Create a chart showing the various peoples who settled in NC. On the chart, show how their arrival affected the culture of NC.
  19. Compare and Contrast using a Venn Diagram, the similariteis and differences between the NC's government and local government.
  20. Your friend is coming to visit NC, but they need your help. They want to visit the most important statues and monuments while they are here. List three places you will take them, and what important piece of history they can view there.
  21. Work with a peer to draw a picture of one of the symbols of NC. Write a report about the symbol explaining why it was chosen as a state symbol and what it means.
  22. What impact or contributions has NC made to the world? Make a collage of the great things NC has provided to the United States and globally.
  23. Choose one of NC's natural resources, and print a picture. Explain what impact human activity has had on this natural resource.
  24. Create a flow chart showing the cultural changes of the indigenous Indian Groups in North Carolina.