affects the smoothmuscle of a woman'suterus, improving themuscle tone as wellas the strength andtiming of uterinecontractions.Drugclass:penicillinsDrugClass:laborinducerDrugClass:ergotalkaloidsNursing Implications:use cautiously inpatients with renaldisease, asthma,bleeding disorders,gastrointestinaldisease, pregnancy orlactation, and history ofallergies.NursingIntervention: donot let the mombreast feed within12 hour aftertaking the medIndication: narrowspectrum antibioticused to treat bacterialinfections such assepticemia, meningitis,pericarditis,endocarditis , syphilis,and gonorrheaAdverseReaction:Hypertensionassociated withseizure and/orheadacheUsed just after a babyis born to help deliverthe placenta, to helpcontrol bleeding andto improve muscletone in the uterusafter childbirth.Indication: inducinglabor, controllingbleeding afterchildbirth, and for thetreatment ofincomplete orinevitable abortionNursingIntervention:Monitorintrauterinepressure andFHRaffects the smoothmuscle of a woman'suterus, improving themuscle tone as wellas the strength andtiming of uterinecontractions.Drugclass:penicillinsDrugClass:laborinducerDrugClass:ergotalkaloidsNursing Implications:use cautiously inpatients with renaldisease, asthma,bleeding disorders,gastrointestinaldisease, pregnancy orlactation, and history ofallergies.NursingIntervention: donot let the mombreast feed within12 hour aftertaking the medIndication: narrowspectrum antibioticused to treat bacterialinfections such assepticemia, meningitis,pericarditis,endocarditis , syphilis,and gonorrheaAdverseReaction:Hypertensionassociated withseizure and/orheadacheUsed just after a babyis born to help deliverthe placenta, to helpcontrol bleeding andto improve muscletone in the uterusafter childbirth.Indication: inducinglabor, controllingbleeding afterchildbirth, and for thetreatment ofincomplete orinevitable abortionNursingIntervention:Monitorintrauterinepressure andFHR

Untitled Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. affects the smooth muscle of a woman's uterus, improving the muscle tone as well as the strength and timing of uterine contractions.
  2. Drug class: penicillins
  3. Drug Class: labor inducer
  4. Drug Class: ergot alkaloids
  5. Nursing Implications: use cautiously in patients with renal disease, asthma, bleeding disorders, gastrointestinal disease, pregnancy or lactation, and history of allergies.
  6. Nursing Intervention: do not let the mom breast feed within 12 hour after taking the med
  7. Indication: narrow spectrum antibiotic used to treat bacterial infections such as septicemia, meningitis, pericarditis, endocarditis , syphilis, and gonorrhea
  8. Adverse Reaction: Hypertension associated with seizure and/or headache
  9. Used just after a baby is born to help deliver the placenta, to help control bleeding and to improve muscle tone in the uterus after childbirth.
  10. Indication: inducing labor, controlling bleeding after childbirth, and for the treatment of incomplete or inevitable abortion
  11. Nursing Intervention: Monitor intrauterine pressure and FHR