The Jackson'sWidowbirds mustjump both the______________and______________ toimpress a mate.What musthappen forthe lion cubsto survive?What is thename of theworld’slargestgrassland?Whatremarkableplant coversone quarter ofall the land onearth?Why did thefemalecariboutravel to thefar north?How manyinsects canan anteatereat in a day?How manywildebeestwander theEast Africansavannahs?Whathappensduring thedry season?Whathappened tothe memberof the parkstaff?What arethe lionstrying toeat?What is proofthat theSaiga arebuilt tomove?How tall arethe termitemounds inAustralia?What aresuperbaerialhunters?Howmuch raincan fall atonce?How manyrodents didshe normallycatch in aday?Whathappenswhen thewaterrecedes?Whathappens topeople inKaziranga?What istheheaviestbird?What isagile as amonkey?Whatactivatesthecameras?Whatpredator is adanger to thecariboucalves?What animalharvest thegrass on anindustrialscale?What musthappen forthe lion cubsto survive?Where mustthe fox andbison findfood?The Jackson'sWidowbirds mustjump both the______________and______________ toimpress a mate.What musthappen forthe lion cubsto survive?What is thename of theworld’slargestgrassland?Whatremarkableplant coversone quarter ofall the land onearth?Why did thefemalecariboutravel to thefar north?How manyinsects canan anteatereat in a day?How manywildebeestwander theEast Africansavannahs?Whathappensduring thedry season?Whathappened tothe memberof the parkstaff?What arethe lionstrying toeat?What is proofthat theSaiga arebuilt tomove?How tall arethe termitemounds inAustralia?What aresuperbaerialhunters?Howmuch raincan fall atonce?How manyrodents didshe normallycatch in aday?Whathappenswhen thewaterrecedes?Whathappens topeople inKaziranga?What istheheaviestbird?What isagile as amonkey?Whatactivatesthecameras?Whatpredator is adanger to thecariboucalves?What animalharvest thegrass on anindustrialscale?What musthappen forthe lion cubsto survive?Where mustthe fox andbison findfood?

Planet Earth: Grasslands Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. The Jackson's Widowbirds must jump both the ______________ and ______________ to impress a mate.
  2. What must happen for the lion cubs to survive?
  3. What is the name of the world’s largest grassland?
  4. What remarkable plant covers one quarter of all the land on earth?
  5. Why did the female caribou travel to the far north?
  6. How many insects can an anteater eat in a day?
  7. How many wildebeest wander the East African savannahs?
  8. What happens during the dry season?
  9. What happened to the member of the park staff?
  10. What are the lions trying to eat?
  11. What is proof that the Saiga are built to move?
  12. How tall are the termite mounds in Australia?
  13. What are superb aerial hunters?
  14. How much rain can fall at once?
  15. How many rodents did she normally catch in a day?
  16. What happens when the water recedes?
  17. What happens to people in Kaziranga?
  18. What is the heaviest bird?
  19. What is agile as a monkey?
  20. What activates the cameras?
  21. What predator is a danger to the caribou calves?
  22. What animal harvest the grass on an industrial scale?
  23. What must happen for the lion cubs to survive?
  24. Where must the fox and bison find food?