The Jackson'sWidowbirds competeagainst each other tosee who can____________________________ toimpress a mate.What is themostdangerousanimal inKaziranga?How far northfrom thenearest treesare the tundraprairies?At one day old acaribou is fasterthan___________?How manycamera polesdid the teamset up whilefilming?How many tons ofsnow blankets theherd’s territory onthe NorthAmerican Prairie?Whatturns onthecameras?Why did thefemalecariboutravel to thefar north?How tall arethe termitemounds inAustralia?What is a maingrass grazeron the NorthAmericanPrairie?What animal isattracted to thedead Rhino inthe Kazirangafilm shoot?Whatpredator is adanger to thecariboucalves?What dograsscutter antseat?What animalharvests themore than ⅓of all the grasson earth?Mounds thatare built on anorth south Axisare made bywhat insect?How manynew cariboucalves areborn in oneseason?What areCompassTermitesmainpredator?Whatanimal(s) isdestroying thefilm crewscameras?What otheranimals mustdig for food onthe NorthAmericanPrairie?Where were themost difficultgrasslands forthe grasslandteam to film?How muchsnow can abison shovelin a day?What does thefox catch thatit hears underthe snow onthe prairie?How manyinsects canan anteatereat in a day?What isKazirangaNational Parkknown forworld wide?What animal doesthe film teamdiscover and runaway from andthrow mud at inKaziranga?The Jackson'sWidowbirds competeagainst each other tosee who can____________________________ toimpress a mate.What is themostdangerousanimal inKaziranga?How far northfrom thenearest treesare the tundraprairies?At one day old acaribou is fasterthan___________?How manycamera polesdid the teamset up whilefilming?How many tons ofsnow blankets theherd’s territory onthe NorthAmerican Prairie?Whatturns onthecameras?Why did thefemalecariboutravel to thefar north?How tall arethe termitemounds inAustralia?What is a maingrass grazeron the NorthAmericanPrairie?What animal isattracted to thedead Rhino inthe Kazirangafilm shoot?Whatpredator is adanger to thecariboucalves?What dograsscutter antseat?What animalharvests themore than ⅓of all the grasson earth?Mounds thatare built on anorth south Axisare made bywhat insect?How manynew cariboucalves areborn in oneseason?What areCompassTermitesmainpredator?Whatanimal(s) isdestroying thefilm crewscameras?What otheranimals mustdig for food onthe NorthAmericanPrairie?Where were themost difficultgrasslands forthe grasslandteam to film?How muchsnow can abison shovelin a day?What does thefox catch thatit hears underthe snow onthe prairie?How manyinsects canan anteatereat in a day?What isKazirangaNational Parkknown forworld wide?What animal doesthe film teamdiscover and runaway from andthrow mud at inKaziranga?

Planet Earth 2: Grasslands Part 2 Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. The Jackson's Widowbirds compete against each other to see who can ______________ ______________ to impress a mate.
  2. What is the most dangerous animal in Kaziranga?
  3. How far north from the nearest trees are the tundra prairies?
  4. At one day old a caribou is faster than___________?
  5. How many camera poles did the team set up while filming?
  6. How many tons of snow blankets the herd’s territory on the North American Prairie?
  7. What turns on the cameras?
  8. Why did the female caribou travel to the far north?
  9. How tall are the termite mounds in Australia?
  10. What is a main grass grazer on the North American Prairie?
  11. What animal is attracted to the dead Rhino in the Kaziranga film shoot?
  12. What predator is a danger to the caribou calves?
  13. What do grass cutter ants eat?
  14. What animal harvests the more than ⅓ of all the grass on earth?
  15. Mounds that are built on a north south Axis are made by what insect?
  16. How many new caribou calves are born in one season?
  17. What are Compass Termites main predator?
  18. What animal(s) is destroying the film crews cameras?
  19. What other animals must dig for food on the North American Prairie?
  20. Where were the most difficult grasslands for the grassland team to film?
  21. How much snow can a bison shovel in a day?
  22. What does the fox catch that it hears under the snow on the prairie?
  23. How many insects can an anteater eat in a day?
  24. What is Kaziranga National Park known for world wide?
  25. What animal does the film team discover and run away from and throw mud at in Kaziranga?