A shortconversationbecame a longone becauseWA is downThe phoneor advisingqueuereaches 0"But Ineed thisdoneTODAY"You see afunny email,meme orhear a jokeabout WA.Can'tanswer thatquestionw/o WA (3)The day isactually lesscrazy thanyouexpected.A "generalquestion"that is not atall generalYou try tologin to WAjust to see ifit's working.Student orParent didn'thave UMIDanyway."That'sokay, myquestion isgeneral""Can you justcheck WAfor...""No, I reallycan't."You loginto WA outof habit"Is this apermanentoutage?"Can'tanswer thatquestionw/o WA (1)Person issure WAis actuallyworking.You figureout theanswer to aquestion w/oWAYou direct astudent toanother office,who also can'thelp them untilMondayThere's apoint wherethere's literallynothing youcan do.You did extrawork onThursday inpreperation.Can'tanswer thatquestionw/o WA (2)You are forcedto create morework for abusier, futureyouYou have to createmore work forsomeone offtoday, and don'tfeel that bad aboutitStudentwaited untilthe lastminute.Parenthas neverheard ofWAA shortconversationbecame a longone becauseWA is downThe phoneor advisingqueuereaches 0"But Ineed thisdoneTODAY"You see afunny email,meme orhear a jokeabout WA.Can'tanswer thatquestionw/o WA (3)The day isactually lesscrazy thanyouexpected.A "generalquestion"that is not atall generalYou try tologin to WAjust to see ifit's working.Student orParent didn'thave UMIDanyway."That'sokay, myquestion isgeneral""Can you justcheck WAfor...""No, I reallycan't."You loginto WA outof habit"Is this apermanentoutage?"Can'tanswer thatquestionw/o WA (1)Person issure WAis actuallyworking.You figureout theanswer to aquestion w/oWAYou direct astudent toanother office,who also can'thelp them untilMondayThere's apoint wherethere's literallynothing youcan do.You did extrawork onThursday inpreperation.Can'tanswer thatquestionw/o WA (2)You are forcedto create morework for abusier, futureyouYou have to createmore work forsomeone offtoday, and don'tfeel that bad aboutitStudentwaited untilthe lastminute.Parenthas neverheard ofWA

Wolverine Acces Outtage BINGO - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. A short conversation became a long one because WA is down
  2. The phone or advising queue reaches 0
  3. "But I need this done TODAY"
  4. You see a funny email, meme or hear a joke about WA.
  5. Can't answer that question w/o WA (3)
  6. The day is actually less crazy than you expected.
  7. A "general question" that is not at all general
  8. You try to login to WA just to see if it's working.
  9. Student or Parent didn't have UMID anyway.
  10. "That's okay, my question is general"
  11. "Can you just check WA for..." "No, I really can't."
  12. You login to WA out of habit
  13. "Is this a permanent outage?"
  14. Can't answer that question w/o WA (1)
  15. Person is sure WA is actually working.
  16. You figure out the answer to a question w/o WA
  17. You direct a student to another office, who also can't help them until Monday
  18. There's a point where there's literally nothing you can do.
  19. You did extra work on Thursday in preperation.
  20. Can't answer that question w/o WA (2)
  21. You are forced to create more work for a busier, future you
  22. You have to create more work for someone off today, and don't feel that bad about it
  23. Student waited until the last minute.
  24. Parent has never heard of WA