Whatnickname didthe Patriotsgive the Britishsoldiers?2. In your opinion,explain which sidewon the fighting atLexington andConcord andwhy?6. What werethe three mainarguments inthe DeclarationofIndependence?24. The FirstContinentalCongress presented______ resolutionsto British KingGeorge III. Fill in theblank.3. Who wasappointed theContinentalArmy leader?8. In whatway didwomen helpthe Patriotcause?20. Whatwere theterms of theTreaty ofParis?18. Could thePatriots have wonthe RevolutionaryWar without the helpof the French?Explain your answer.15. WhowasFrancisMarion?14. Explain how theachievements ofJohn Paul Jonesdemonstrated thestrategy of theContinental Navyagainst the British.16. How did thecolonist’sguerrilla tacticshelp theContinentalArmy?4. Why theBattle of BunkerHill wasconsidered atragic victory forthe British?9. Why do youthink thePatriots weredefeated inNew York?5. Whatargument didThomas Painepresent inCommonSense?13. Compare thePatriot’s experienceduring their winter atValley Forgecompared to that ofthe British atPhiladelphia?What Patriotwasconvictedfor treason?What did“Molly Pitcher”provide thePatriotsoldiers?19. In whatyear was theTreaty ofParissigned?10. Whowere theHessians?12. Describehappened atValleyForce?7. Why did theContinental Armybegin allowingfree AfricanAmericans toserve?17. How wouldyou describethe Britishstrategies inthe South?11. Why didMarquis deLafayette jointhe ContinentalArmy?1. How did theactions of the FirstContinentalCongress reflectthe intense debateof the delegates?Whatnickname didthe Patriotsgive the Britishsoldiers?2. In your opinion,explain which sidewon the fighting atLexington andConcord andwhy?6. What werethe three mainarguments inthe DeclarationofIndependence?24. The FirstContinentalCongress presented______ resolutionsto British KingGeorge III. Fill in theblank.3. Who wasappointed theContinentalArmy leader?8. In whatway didwomen helpthe Patriotcause?20. Whatwere theterms of theTreaty ofParis?18. Could thePatriots have wonthe RevolutionaryWar without the helpof the French?Explain your answer.15. WhowasFrancisMarion?14. Explain how theachievements ofJohn Paul Jonesdemonstrated thestrategy of theContinental Navyagainst the British.16. How did thecolonist’sguerrilla tacticshelp theContinentalArmy?4. Why theBattle of BunkerHill wasconsidered atragic victory forthe British?9. Why do youthink thePatriots weredefeated inNew York?5. Whatargument didThomas Painepresent inCommonSense?13. Compare thePatriot’s experienceduring their winter atValley Forgecompared to that ofthe British atPhiladelphia?What Patriotwasconvictedfor treason?What did“Molly Pitcher”provide thePatriotsoldiers?19. In whatyear was theTreaty ofParissigned?10. Whowere theHessians?12. Describehappened atValleyForce?7. Why did theContinental Armybegin allowingfree AfricanAmericans toserve?17. How wouldyou describethe Britishstrategies inthe South?11. Why didMarquis deLafayette jointhe ContinentalArmy?1. How did theactions of the FirstContinentalCongress reflectthe intense debateof the delegates?

Chapter 4: American Revolution - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. What nickname did the Patriots give the British soldiers?
  2. 2. In your opinion, explain which side won the fighting at Lexington and Concord and why?
  3. 6. What were the three main arguments in the Declaration of Independence?
  4. 24. The First Continental Congress presented ______ resolutions to British King George III. Fill in the blank.
  5. 3. Who was appointed the Continental Army leader?
  6. 8. In what way did women help the Patriot cause?
  7. 20. What were the terms of the Treaty of Paris?
  8. 18. Could the Patriots have won the Revolutionary War without the help of the French? Explain your answer.
  9. 15. Who was Francis Marion?
  10. 14. Explain how the achievements of John Paul Jones demonstrated the strategy of the Continental Navy against the British.
  11. 16. How did the colonist’s guerrilla tactics help the Continental Army?
  12. 4. Why the Battle of Bunker Hill was considered a tragic victory for the British?
  13. 9. Why do you think the Patriots were defeated in New York?
  14. 5. What argument did Thomas Paine present in Common Sense?
  15. 13. Compare the Patriot’s experience during their winter at Valley Forge compared to that of the British at Philadelphia?
  16. What Patriot was convicted for treason?
  17. What did “Molly Pitcher” provide the Patriot soldiers?
  18. 19. In what year was the Treaty of Paris signed?
  19. 10. Who were the Hessians?
  20. 12. Describe happened at Valley Force?
  21. 7. Why did the Continental Army begin allowing free African Americans to serve?
  22. 17. How would you describe the British strategies in the South?
  23. 11. Why did Marquis de Lafayette join the Continental Army?
  24. 1. How did the actions of the First Continental Congress reflect the intense debate of the delegates?