Addressdatabasesdeteriorate atover_%/monthWhat dopresortcompaniesdo?How manyindividuals/businessesmove every yearName at least3 mail piecesthat qualify fora generaldiscount.Standard mailcan cost aslow as$.__/per pieceif automated.These 2things canincreaseresponse rateby 500%!What isconsidered1st Classmail?1 out of every__ mail pieceshas issues w/addressesWhat isworksharing?What % ofsavings canyou get byautomating 1stclass mail?What is thecardinal sinof direct mailcampaigns?Automationcompatiblemail piecesmust be these3 things.What are 3types of non-machinablemail pieces?What are themaximumdimensions of1st classmail?How manypieces ofgeneric mailmust you havefor discounts?What yeardid ShapeBase Pricinggo intoeffect?The most astandardpiece of mailcan weighis?Between what% doresponserates becomesignificant?What ispresorting?How manypieces of firstclass mail doyou need toqualify for adiscount?What 3thingsdeterminethe amountof postage?What is theaverageresponserate for directmail?You mustupdate yourmovedatabaseevery __ daysTrue cost ofa returnedmailpiece isup to $__Addressdatabasesdeteriorate atover_%/monthWhat dopresortcompaniesdo?How manyindividuals/businessesmove every yearName at least3 mail piecesthat qualify fora generaldiscount.Standard mailcan cost aslow as$.__/per pieceif automated.These 2things canincreaseresponse rateby 500%!What isconsidered1st Classmail?1 out of every__ mail pieceshas issues w/addressesWhat isworksharing?What % ofsavings canyou get byautomating 1stclass mail?What is thecardinal sinof direct mailcampaigns?Automationcompatiblemail piecesmust be these3 things.What are 3types of non-machinablemail pieces?What are themaximumdimensions of1st classmail?How manypieces ofgeneric mailmust you havefor discounts?What yeardid ShapeBase Pricinggo intoeffect?The most astandardpiece of mailcan weighis?Between what% doresponserates becomesignificant?What ispresorting?How manypieces of firstclass mail doyou need toqualify for adiscount?What 3thingsdeterminethe amountof postage?What is theaverageresponserate for directmail?You mustupdate yourmovedatabaseevery __ daysTrue cost ofa returnedmailpiece isup to $__

Mailflow Optimization - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Address databases deteriorate at over _%/month
  2. What do presort companies do?
  3. How many individuals/businesses move every year
  4. Name at least 3 mail pieces that qualify for a general discount.
  5. Standard mail can cost as low as $.__/per piece if automated.
  6. These 2 things can increase response rate by 500%!
  7. What is considered 1st Class mail?
  8. 1 out of every __ mail pieces has issues w/ addresses
  9. What is worksharing?
  10. What % of savings can you get by automating 1st class mail?
  11. What is the cardinal sin of direct mail campaigns?
  12. Automation compatible mail pieces must be these 3 things.
  13. What are 3 types of non-machinable mail pieces?
  14. What are the maximum dimensions of 1st class mail?
  15. How many pieces of generic mail must you have for discounts?
  16. What year did Shape Base Pricing go into effect?
  17. The most a standard piece of mail can weigh is?
  18. Between what % do response rates become significant?
  19. What is presorting?
  20. How many pieces of first class mail do you need to qualify for a discount?
  21. What 3 things determine the amount of postage?
  22. What is the average response rate for direct mail?
  23. You must update your move database every __ days
  24. True cost of a returned mailpiece is up to $__