Patrick Grady Teach and Train Food Innovations Job Interview Entrepreneurship Urban Affiliation Fee Fashion Construction Red Theme Business Casual State President Junior National affiliation $7.00 Karol Bastidas senior category Senior username Middle school chapter affiliation Early Childhood Say Yes to FCS Education FL Comp. event Link for affiliation Occupational Culinary Arts one of the target Rose Believe in Yourself STAR event Patrick Grady Teach and Train Food Innovations Job Interview Entrepreneurship Urban Affiliation Fee Fashion Construction Red Theme Business Casual State President Junior National affiliation $7.00 Karol Bastidas senior category Senior username Middle school chapter affiliation Early Childhood Say Yes to FCS Education FL Comp. event Link for affiliation Occupational Culinary Arts one of the target Rose Believe in Yourself STAR event
FCCLA - Call List
(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.
O-Patrick Grady
O-Teach and Train
B-Food Innovations
G-Job Interview
N-Urban Affiliation Fee
I-Fashion Construction
B-Business Casual
B-State President
O-National affiliation
I-Karol Bastidas
I-senior category
B-Middle school chapter affiliation
G-Early Childhood
G-Say Yes to FCS Education
N-FL Comp. event
N-Link for affiliation
N-Culinary Arts
I-one of the target
I-Believe in Yourself
O-STAR event