DelawareOpportunitiesFood Bankmonthlybudget# ofhouseholdsthe DelhiFood PantryservesOne item theDelhi FoodPantry givesforThanksgivingAnother ofthe mostpopularitems at thefood pantrySomeonewho hasreceivedfood from afood pantryAnother typeof householdthe Delhi FoodPantry servesOne of themost popularitems at thefood pantryDelawareCounty'spovertyrateSomeoneover theage of 60Someonewho grewup inDelhiSomeonewho hasattended theCrop Walk for5+ yearsSomeone whohelped collectmoney or foodfor this eventSomeonewhose relativehas receivedfood from afood pantrySomeoneunder theage of 30Someone wholearnedsomethingabout foodpantries todayOne item theDelhi FoodPantry givesfor EasterSomeone whohas donatedfood to theDelhi FoodPantrySomeonewhovolunteers atthe DelhiFood PantrySomeonewho neverwent to theCrop WalkA food thatthe DelhiFood Pantrybuys eachweekThe # ofemergencyfood pantriesin DelawareCountyThe hoursfor theDelhi FoodPantryOne type ofhouseholdthe DelhiFood PantryservesSomeonewho grewup in acityDelawareOpportunitiesFood Bankmonthlybudget# ofhouseholdsthe DelhiFood PantryservesOne item theDelhi FoodPantry givesforThanksgivingAnother ofthe mostpopularitems at thefood pantrySomeonewho hasreceivedfood from afood pantryAnother typeof householdthe Delhi FoodPantry servesOne of themost popularitems at thefood pantryDelawareCounty'spovertyrateSomeoneover theage of 60Someonewho grewup inDelhiSomeonewho hasattended theCrop Walk for5+ yearsSomeone whohelped collectmoney or foodfor this eventSomeonewhose relativehas receivedfood from afood pantrySomeoneunder theage of 30Someone wholearnedsomethingabout foodpantries todayOne item theDelhi FoodPantry givesfor EasterSomeone whohas donatedfood to theDelhi FoodPantrySomeonewhovolunteers atthe DelhiFood PantrySomeonewho neverwent to theCrop WalkA food thatthe DelhiFood Pantrybuys eachweekThe # ofemergencyfood pantriesin DelawareCountyThe hoursfor theDelhi FoodPantryOne type ofhouseholdthe DelhiFood PantryservesSomeonewho grewup in acity

Community Harvest Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Delaware Opportunities Food Bank monthly budget
  2. # of households the Delhi Food Pantry serves
  3. One item the Delhi Food Pantry gives for Thanksgiving
  4. Another of the most popular items at the food pantry
  5. Someone who has received food from a food pantry
  6. Another type of household the Delhi Food Pantry serves
  7. One of the most popular items at the food pantry
  8. Delaware County's poverty rate
  9. Someone over the age of 60
  10. Someone who grew up in Delhi
  11. Someone who has attended the Crop Walk for 5+ years
  12. Someone who helped collect money or food for this event
  13. Someone whose relative has received food from a food pantry
  14. Someone under the age of 30
  15. Someone who learned something about food pantries today
  16. One item the Delhi Food Pantry gives for Easter
  17. Someone who has donated food to the Delhi Food Pantry
  18. Someone who volunteers at the Delhi Food Pantry
  19. Someone who never went to the Crop Walk
  20. A food that the Delhi Food Pantry buys each week
  21. The # of emergency food pantries in Delaware County
  22. The hours for the Delhi Food Pantry
  23. One type of household the Delhi Food Pantry serves
  24. Someone who grew up in a city