passiveaggressive andvaguely sexistdescription of afemalesoldiers's tanmissingthe deathof a familymemberdoingsomethingmundane andwinning a thirdclass citationfor ita senior cadre writesan essay thatmanages to cover anentire page yetsomehow saysabsolutely nothinga unit commanderheaps excessivepraise on whateverinitiative ChairmanXi is promoting thatmonththe companypolitical instructorgives a sterntalking-to to a lazyyoung soldier,turning his lifearoundstarting aparagraphwith a faux-poeticchengyunobody thinks theunit can dosomething, butthey study reallyhard and in thenext paragraphthey do itthe entireparagraph isone sentencelong and just alist of trainingsubjectsa maintenanceguy, acting onintuition, spendshours going overan aircraft beforefinding a 1 mmcrackan old NCOdispenseshomespun wisdomto the reporter aboutthe importance ofmaintenance work"complexelectromagneticenvironment""transitioningfrom dayinto night"Ken gets soexcited about yourmundane tidbitthat he sends itout in an emailblast to all of CASIKen gets excitedabout somemundane tidbitthat you almostdidn't even bothertranslatingmissingthe birthof a childsomeonestarts crying,but in a manlyand comradelyfashiona unit respondsto problem X bycreating a"problem Xsmall group"a new initiativeto makepoliticaleducation hipand fun for theyoungsters"advancedwork unit""minimumaltitudepenetration"Ken doesn't getexcited aboutsomething youthought hewould getexcited abouta senior cadrepretends to not bemiserable aboutbeing sent to aremote grassrootsunita unit is given anew piece ofequipment butno instructionson how to use itpassiveaggressive andvaguely sexistdescription of afemalesoldiers's tanmissingthe deathof a familymemberdoingsomethingmundane andwinning a thirdclass citationfor ita senior cadre writesan essay thatmanages to cover anentire page yetsomehow saysabsolutely nothinga unit commanderheaps excessivepraise on whateverinitiative ChairmanXi is promoting thatmonththe companypolitical instructorgives a sterntalking-to to a lazyyoung soldier,turning his lifearoundstarting aparagraphwith a faux-poeticchengyunobody thinks theunit can dosomething, butthey study reallyhard and in thenext paragraphthey do itthe entireparagraph isone sentencelong and just alist of trainingsubjectsa maintenanceguy, acting onintuition, spendshours going overan aircraft beforefinding a 1 mmcrackan old NCOdispenseshomespun wisdomto the reporter aboutthe importance ofmaintenance work"complexelectromagneticenvironment""transitioningfrom dayinto night"Ken gets soexcited about yourmundane tidbitthat he sends itout in an emailblast to all of CASIKen gets excitedabout somemundane tidbitthat you almostdidn't even bothertranslatingmissingthe birthof a childsomeonestarts crying,but in a manlyand comradelyfashiona unit respondsto problem X bycreating a"problem Xsmall group"a new initiativeto makepoliticaleducation hipand fun for theyoungsters"advancedwork unit""minimumaltitudepenetration"Ken doesn't getexcited aboutsomething youthought hewould getexcited abouta senior cadrepretends to not bemiserable aboutbeing sent to aremote grassrootsunita unit is given anew piece ofequipment butno instructionson how to use it

空军报 Cliche Bingo! - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. passive aggressive and vaguely sexist description of a female soldiers's tan
  2. missing the death of a family member
  3. doing something mundane and winning a third class citation for it
  4. a senior cadre writes an essay that manages to cover an entire page yet somehow says absolutely nothing
  5. a unit commander heaps excessive praise on whatever initiative Chairman Xi is promoting that month
  6. the company political instructor gives a stern talking-to to a lazy young soldier, turning his life around
  7. starting a paragraph with a faux-poetic chengyu
  8. nobody thinks the unit can do something, but they study really hard and in the next paragraph they do it
  9. the entire paragraph is one sentence long and just a list of training subjects
  10. a maintenance guy, acting on intuition, spends hours going over an aircraft before finding a 1 mm crack
  11. an old NCO dispenses homespun wisdom to the reporter about the importance of maintenance work
  12. "complex electromagnetic environment"
  13. "transitioning from day into night"
  14. Ken gets so excited about your mundane tidbit that he sends it out in an email blast to all of CASI
  15. Ken gets excited about some mundane tidbit that you almost didn't even bother translating
  16. missing the birth of a child
  17. someone starts crying, but in a manly and comradely fashion
  18. a unit responds to problem X by creating a "problem X small group"
  19. a new initiative to make political education hip and fun for the youngsters
  20. "advanced work unit"
  21. "minimum altitude penetration"
  22. Ken doesn't get excited about something you thought he would get excited about
  23. a senior cadre pretends to not be miserable about being sent to a remote grassroots unit
  24. a unit is given a new piece of equipment but no instructions on how to use it