What isGSP andgive anexample?Wherecan I printmy paystubs?What is thename of thedocument thattells us what isgoing on eachday?Where isemployeeparking atthe resort?What do Ido if I finda creditcard?Where do Ihave to goto get mybarcode?What is thenew house(formerly thePettus house)called?What isthe speedlimit inKingsmill?Whathappens ifI have 2NCNS?How longdoes a referralhave to stay toget a giftcard?What is thename of theoutdoorwaterpark atthe resort?What famoustournamentwill be playedat Kingsmill inMay?How do Ichange myinformationif I move?How muchdoes it costfor me toplay golf?What isthe 10-5 rule?What arethe namesof the 3 golfcourses?What is thename of thesurvey ourguests take?What is thename of thecompanythat ownsus?How muchdiscountdo I get inthe shops?Who isthe COOof theresort?Where canI go to gethomemadeicecream?What is thename of ouroutsourceHR group?WhodevelopedKingsmill?What do Ihave to do ifI injuremyself atwork?What isGSP andgive anexample?Wherecan I printmy paystubs?What is thename of thedocument thattells us what isgoing on eachday?Where isemployeeparking atthe resort?What do Ido if I finda creditcard?Where do Ihave to goto get mybarcode?What is thenew house(formerly thePettus house)called?What isthe speedlimit inKingsmill?Whathappens ifI have 2NCNS?How longdoes a referralhave to stay toget a giftcard?What is thename of theoutdoorwaterpark atthe resort?What famoustournamentwill be playedat Kingsmill inMay?How do Ichange myinformationif I move?How muchdoes it costfor me toplay golf?What isthe 10-5 rule?What arethe namesof the 3 golfcourses?What is thename of thesurvey ourguests take?What is thename of thecompanythat ownsus?How muchdiscountdo I get inthe shops?Who isthe COOof theresort?Where canI go to gethomemadeicecream?What is thename of ouroutsourceHR group?WhodevelopedKingsmill?What do Ihave to do ifI injuremyself atwork?

Kingsmill Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. What is GSP and give an example?
  2. Where can I print my pay stubs?
  3. What is the name of the document that tells us what is going on each day?
  4. Where is employee parking at the resort?
  5. What do I do if I find a credit card?
  6. Where do I have to go to get my barcode?
  7. What is the new house (formerly the Pettus house) called?
  8. What is the speed limit in Kingsmill?
  9. What happens if I have 2 NCNS?
  10. How long does a referral have to stay to get a gift card?
  11. What is the name of the outdoor waterpark at the resort?
  12. What famous tournament will be played at Kingsmill in May?
  13. How do I change my information if I move?
  14. How much does it cost for me to play golf?
  15. What is the 10-5 rule?
  16. What are the names of the 3 golf courses?
  17. What is the name of the survey our guests take?
  18. What is the name of the company that owns us?
  19. How much discount do I get in the shops?
  20. Who is the COO of the resort?
  21. Where can I go to get homemade icecream?
  22. What is the name of our outsource HR group?
  23. Who developed Kingsmill?
  24. What do I have to do if I injure myself at work?