Go to anart/culture relatedside event (forexample: artgallery, filmscreening, etc)Use 5 UNFCCCterms inconversationthroughout thedayGo to a sideevent that isconducted in alanguage otherthan EnglishHave aconversation witha protestor, and/orgo observe aprotest (SAFELY)Go see ashow at theSilesianTheatreTake a selfiewith a UnitedStates EPAEmployeePlan out yourroutes fromthe hostel toevents for theweek aheadIntroduceyourself toone strangerat a sideeventLearn howto count toten inPolishGo totheSpodekFind the best hotchocolate and/orbrownie inKatowice, reportback to MarkimmediatelyTurn off your phoneand spend timepeople watching atCOP for an hour.Take notes andobserve thedynamicsGo to theSilesianInsurgents’Monument andlearn itssignificanceGo to a sideevent that youfeel is outsideof yourcomfort zoneLearn 3differentgreetingsin PolishGo to aneventdedicated toyouthinvolvementDiscover anew greatrestaurant andrecommend itto the groupFind an eventon a topic thatyou havenever heard ofand attend itAsk a local for arecommendationon what to do inKatowice, andgo do itGo to the SilesianMuseum anddiscover one factabout Polishhistory that youdidn’t knowpreviouslyGo to a sideeventunrelated toyour projecttopicGo to areligiouslyaffiliatedside eventFind Mark aclimatechangerelatedstickerSpend the dayattendingevents withoutanyone else inthe classGo to anart/culture relatedside event (forexample: artgallery, filmscreening, etc)Use 5 UNFCCCterms inconversationthroughout thedayGo to a sideevent that isconducted in alanguage otherthan EnglishHave aconversation witha protestor, and/orgo observe aprotest (SAFELY)Go see ashow at theSilesianTheatreTake a selfiewith a UnitedStates EPAEmployeePlan out yourroutes fromthe hostel toevents for theweek aheadIntroduceyourself toone strangerat a sideeventLearn howto count toten inPolishGo totheSpodekFind the best hotchocolate and/orbrownie inKatowice, reportback to MarkimmediatelyTurn off your phoneand spend timepeople watching atCOP for an hour.Take notes andobserve thedynamicsGo to theSilesianInsurgents’Monument andlearn itssignificanceGo to a sideevent that youfeel is outsideof yourcomfort zoneLearn 3differentgreetingsin PolishGo to aneventdedicated toyouthinvolvementDiscover anew greatrestaurant andrecommend itto the groupFind an eventon a topic thatyou havenever heard ofand attend itAsk a local for arecommendationon what to do inKatowice, andgo do itGo to the SilesianMuseum anddiscover one factabout Polishhistory that youdidn’t knowpreviouslyGo to a sideeventunrelated toyour projecttopicGo to areligiouslyaffiliatedside eventFind Mark aclimatechangerelatedstickerSpend the dayattendingevents withoutanyone else inthe class

Katowice Scavenger Hunt - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Go to an art/culture related side event (for example: art gallery, film screening, etc)
  2. Use 5 UNFCCC terms in conversation throughout the day
  3. Go to a side event that is conducted in a language other than English
  4. Have a conversation with a protestor, and/or go observe a protest (SAFELY)
  5. Go see a show at the Silesian Theatre
  6. Take a selfie with a United States EPA Employee
  7. Plan out your routes from the hostel to events for the week ahead
  8. Introduce yourself to one stranger at a side event
  9. Learn how to count to ten in Polish
  10. Go to the Spodek
  11. Find the best hot chocolate and/or brownie in Katowice, report back to Mark immediately
  12. Turn off your phone and spend time people watching at COP for an hour. Take notes and observe the dynamics
  13. Go to the Silesian Insurgents’ Monument and learn its significance
  14. Go to a side event that you feel is outside of your comfort zone
  15. Learn 3 different greetings in Polish
  16. Go to an event dedicated to youth involvement
  17. Discover a new great restaurant and recommend it to the group
  18. Find an event on a topic that you have never heard of and attend it
  19. Ask a local for a recommendation on what to do in Katowice, and go do it
  20. Go to the Silesian Museum and discover one fact about Polish history that you didn’t know previously
  21. Go to a side event unrelated to your project topic
  22. Go to a religiously affiliated side event
  23. Find Mark a climate change related sticker
  24. Spend the day attending events without anyone else in the class