I can switchbetweenopen appsusing fourfingers.I can find theEducationsection of theiTunes Store.I can send anemail with anattachment oftwo photos tosomebody inmy building.I can turnthevolume upand down.I can starttyping a newsentence bydouble tappingthe space bar.I candownload anapp for theApp Store.I can searchfor an appon my iPadby name.I can lock therotation so myscreen staysin portrait orlandscape.I can find thedaily weatherby swipingdown.I can putmy iPadinto FlightMode.I can take ascreen shotof the displayon myscreen.I canuseSiri.I can take a10 secondmovie andtrim the clip ateither end.I can sign inand out ofthe iTunesStore.I canorganisemy appsinto folders.I can changethe wallpaperon my iPadscreen.I can put myiPad to sleepquickly orcompletelyshut it down.I can mutethe soundon myiPad.I can split thekeyboard andbring thehalves backtogether again.I can copy andpaste asentence fromone place toanother.I can edit aphoto frommy PhotoAlbum.I can make ashortcut to aweb page fromSafari on to myHome Screen.I can forcean app toquit.I can makemy iPadwrite in allCAPITALLETTERS.I can switchbetweenopen appsusing fourfingers.I can find theEducationsection of theiTunes Store.I can send anemail with anattachment oftwo photos tosomebody inmy building.I can turnthevolume upand down.I can starttyping a newsentence bydouble tappingthe space bar.I candownload anapp for theApp Store.I can searchfor an appon my iPadby name.I can lock therotation so myscreen staysin portrait orlandscape.I can find thedaily weatherby swipingdown.I can putmy iPadinto FlightMode.I can take ascreen shotof the displayon myscreen.I canuseSiri.I can take a10 secondmovie andtrim the clip ateither end.I can sign inand out ofthe iTunesStore.I canorganisemy appsinto folders.I can changethe wallpaperon my iPadscreen.I can put myiPad to sleepquickly orcompletelyshut it down.I can mutethe soundon myiPad.I can split thekeyboard andbring thehalves backtogether again.I can copy andpaste asentence fromone place toanother.I can edit aphoto frommy PhotoAlbum.I can make ashortcut to aweb page fromSafari on to myHome Screen.I can forcean app toquit.I can makemy iPadwrite in allCAPITALLETTERS.

TLC iPad Challenge - Level 1 - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. I can switch between open apps using four fingers.
  2. I can find the Education section of the iTunes Store.
  3. I can send an email with an attachment of two photos to somebody in my building.
  4. I can turn the volume up and down.
  5. I can start typing a new sentence by double tapping the space bar.
  6. I can download an app for the App Store.
  7. I can search for an app on my iPad by name.
  8. I can lock the rotation so my screen stays in portrait or landscape.
  9. I can find the daily weather by swiping down.
  10. I can put my iPad into Flight Mode.
  11. I can take a screen shot of the display on my screen.
  12. I can use Siri.
  13. I can take a 10 second movie and trim the clip at either end.
  14. I can sign in and out of the iTunes Store.
  15. I can organise my apps into folders.
  16. I can change the wallpaper on my iPad screen.
  17. I can put my iPad to sleep quickly or completely shut it down.
  18. I can mute the sound on my iPad.
  19. I can split the keyboard and bring the halves back together again.
  20. I can copy and paste a sentence from one place to another.
  21. I can edit a photo from my Photo Album.
  22. I can make a shortcut to a web page from Safari on to my Home Screen.
  23. I can force an app to quit.
  24. I can make my iPad write in all CAPITAL LETTERS.